
October 10,2000

Hey, guess what????!!!??It's my birthday! Yep 17 yearsold...Finally. And on that note, I've had this site up for a year today. and I promised that I would learn html...and I haven't completely, therefore I am not confident in making an all new site using it. I think I'll stick to basic editor for awhile more...

Today, I am sick...I mean, I feel awful. It's my birthday, I'm not supse to be laying in bed. Plus I just watched Moffatts I&I. Let me just say, although I don't think I'd state this allowed in public, Dave is looking HOTT. I mean the eyebrow ring? Can we say sexy???? Yummy...and Scott he's so adorable...the kind of adorable that makes you want to drag him to your bed. Oh yes, I'd give anything to be a groupie....

UPDATES!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, there are 11 chapters of each story up! That means about three chapters to each were added. I'm gonna add a new one on the next update.

Personal page is still there. And I want to thank those of you who e-mailed me and told me how much you liked my stories. That means a lot. Thank you.

And Nick, I know you're reading this, I miss you and I got your letter, and I'll be waiting for your phone call...even though it is kinda late.... Oh, Nick is my best guy friend who went on a family vacation thing...thats why..well never mind..and Nick you're favorite chapter will be posted next update. Yes he reads my chapters as I write them. unfair huh? *S*

The legal stuff- I hate to put this up, because I don't believe people are stupid enough not to know this but I have too....Things on this page are fiction...yes, some of it is true, but the fan-fiction is not. I am in noway affiliated with any of the people mentioned in my stories because thats what they are...STORIES-(defination, please?)made up pieces of writing...not to be believed, made for the inamgination only. There are harsh subjects in my writing,but I feel that-that stuff happens in real life to all kinds of different people and that people should be aware...I write in whatI believe in.

last updated....10-10-2000 @ 11:50pm. ~Cee`~

E-mail and tell me what you think!

I'm having this wierd phase with pink now. I mean it is my favorite color, but for some reason, I always have to use it.It's a really cool color...... last note, if you live anywhere other than the USA, go buy Submodalities by the Moffatts because the music is hardcore and deep and all those other things you know I like....I can't get it...but what can I do?


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Fiction Palace

Love Song~ A place where dreams may happen.
Home ~ Where the heart is