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Craig's Home on the Net

Well folks, it's been a while since I have had the privilege to talk to ya. I would like to extend a warm Auburn welcome to all you dang foreigners. I am a 21 year-old Senior at Auburn University in eastern Alabama. My Mazda pickup and not-so-trusty sidekick, Pablo, is now dead and has been replaced with a 96 Mazda 626 named Pedro. I thank you all for your condolences. I am now living in a 2 bedroom, 2 bath house trailer in Gentilly Trailer Park with my little sis, her boyfriend, AND her best friend. How lucky am I, right? I am still in the process of remodeling because of an unfortunate accident caused by a cheap trailer plumbing fixture that left half of my trailer underwater two summers ago. Thankfully, this project is near completion. Other than that it is a great place to live. I would like to withdraw my undying support for the LaGrange College girls basketball team and their star shooting guard, Ashley Bailey. I have not heard from that girl in over a year. So much for friends staying in touch, huh? I recently completed Air Force Basic Training and Tech School at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX. So, I guess I am now officially a "man in uniform." I have visited multiple websites that list "shout-outs" and pondered the purpose and origin of the "shout-out." I also wondered if anyone else has ever thought the same thing. So, I will now attempt to start my own catch-phrase along the same lines as the "shout-out." And if anyone ever asks you why or where it started, just refer them back to my humble website. Without further ado, I would now like to present Craig's "Howdy-thar's!" I would like to send out a big ole "Howdy-thar" to all these here people: Mom and Dad (Like the Sawyer Brown song says, "I gotta thank Mama for the cookin, Daddy for the whoopins...") My lil sis Candice (And I quote, "This hand is numb, but this hand is all gravy!") My bud Demo, AKA Steven Brownlee (Thanks for getting me out of fights and trying to get me into 'em.) The girls of Earl's Country Club (Why can't any of you be over 18?) Tony and Mary (I know I haven't been around in awhile, but damn, do I have some good stories to tell or what?!?) Mike and Steph (As soon as I get back in town, I am coming over for some drunk chicken and bomb potatoes...maybe a few beers too.) 24th Judicial Circuit Drug & Violent Crime Task Force (If Robby Kay starts nagging too bad just say "YEEESSSS MOTHEEEERRRR." She absolutely loves that.) Earl's Country Club (From girls dancin on the pool table to knowing that Little Crow is going to punch the wall at least once every night because of a missed pool shot, it's been fun.) My bud Jonesy (Every night is a good night to drink) Tiffany (I see Greek people!) My boys from Air Force Basic Training and Tech School (Not even the Riverwalk Police in San Antonio can hold us down.) Well, there they are. The first edition of the "Howdy-Thar's." Hope y'all enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed thinking them up. PICS, PICS, PICS!!! If you wanna see more pics of me and various other people plus humorous captions, check out the links below. If you wanna chat with me, I have AIM, MSN, and Yahoo. My AIM screename is CPnAU, you can find me on MSN at, and my Yahoo is cparkerau. Y'all come back when I have more things added.

My Favorite Web Sites

Alabama's home on the web
Sexy, sexy, sexy!
Morning show DJ's
Awww, just go to it!
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