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NoT a NoRmAl ChIc'$ sItE


Hi I am Ally I am 15 I live in Maryville! I love to flirt, dance, sing, party, shop, and pimp!Hey Eddie, Jon, Brandon, John, Mike, Jacob, Adam, Dave, Josh, Jessica, Dustin, Marcus, Matt, Kyle, Cassie, Jason, Mike, Nick, Nathan, Adam, Chelsey, Mike, Ashley,TJ, Kevin, Raven, Walter, Curtis, Shy Guy, Belinda(my left buttcheek), Big Head aka Justin, Jonathon, Zachary and everyone else. Sometimes its good sometimes it sucks. I am liked by some; Loved by few; Hated by Many. Church is good we all need to go. It might help this dump we call earth. Matthew 4:4, "And he answered,' But it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedth from the mouth of God.' "

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My other pages

Kristy's Story
My Life
Adam's Page
Critters Page
Baby G's Page
my pals
Some Pics of Me and my peeps
My lil sisters site you better check it out
My Links Page
More Pics of a heifer and ME
