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About ME.....

This is ME!!! My name is "Pinky"..... aka: Doozer..... 'lil Sh*t..... The "Mutt"..... just to name a few.
I live with my mom, dad and sister in a real neat house with a BIG yard. They "saved" me from someone who didn't want me when I was 1 1/2 years old.
I'm 6 now and I've heard them say I STILL act like a puppy.
I LOVE to go for rides in the car. Mom just got a truck and I can see a lot more stuff out of the window 'cuz I'm a lot "higher" now.
My favorite toys are: A teddy bear I've had forever... and tennis balls...
(I like to hide them under the covers in the beds... the "people" don't like it...
I wonder why? I think it's kinda funny!!!)
Admit it... with a face like mine... ya GOTTA love me!!!
Aaaaand I know how to "USE" my looks to get ANYTHING I want too... attention... food... someone to play with... I've got them ALL wrapped around my little paws.
LOOK at that face!!!

This was my "sister".....
Her name is Sheli.
She's in doggie heaven now and I really miss her.....
but I'm sure she's having a GREAT time there.
(Hey Sheli... if you can see this..... we all miss you girl!)

Oh GREAT... now my "MOM" wants to say something..........

I guess this is where I should thank all the "little people" who made it possible for me to make this page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

First and MOST important... my daughter (and she's only ALMOST 13) I figured if YOU could make one... so could I. I don't NEED one... it was more of a "determination" thing to prove I COULD do it. And as much as I HATE to admit it... I thought I could have figured it out on my own... but I couldn't!!! (but there were some things you didn't know and I DID... and I'm still learning!) THANKS for all your help 'Honey'..... and like the song says...........

"God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You!!!"

To my husband: You don't get any "thanks" since you did NOTHING to help me. However... I DO have something to say to you..........


Ok... ok... THANK YOU!!! For... Constantly telling me I can't "break" the computer or lose anything as long as I DON'T turn it off. "Humoring" me when I tell you what I figured out on my own... (on the computer)... no matter how "simple" it might be. Changing things around on "your" computer because that's the way "I" like them.
(I still don't understand how you can build a computer but you can't run a 4 cycle washing machine!!!)
Aaaaand... I LOVE my truck!!! (a "greyhound" would look AWESOME cruisin' around in the back seat I don't have to thank you on here for all the "important" things... you know what they are. Thanks for understanding that I REALLY do have my "blonde" moments..... (just remember... "I" figured HTML out first!)

Now to those of you who gave me the encouragement I needed
but could care less if I did this or not.....
(names are slightly altered to protect the innocent... you know who you are)

RK: Thanks for telling me "html" is confusing... I thought it was JUST me!!!
(this is the graphic I told you about..... ...cute huh??? LOLOLOL)

CHVY: Thanks for the help 'GF'!!! I'm sure it won't be the last time I ask. : )

LH322: THANK YOU !!! My page has sound now... "thanks to you"!!!

AIK: I didn't even tell you I was doing this. I've come a LONG way since my "first" computer lesson huh? Are you impressed or what?!!?!!?!!

BUD: Send me YOUR picture babe... MAYBE then I'll put mine on here... <eg>
You told me to keep trying... and I DID!!!

M22: Sorry... didn't mean to "scare" you with the music... LOL (never know what to expect from me huh?) Maybe "We Built This City On Rock N Roll" was a little MUCH! Is this better???

R376: You'll NEVER figure out how to do this... I don't even know how I did!!!

277: Honorable mention: THANKS for signing my guestbook 1st.....(happy now?)

Finally... DR: Uhhh... eat your heart out "SmartA**"... I DID IT!!! LMFAO!!!

That's all people..... (for now).....
Not bad for my FIRST attempt huh???
Hey... I tried.
Did you think it was gonna be about ME???
haha.... how wrong you are!!!

Check back often..........
What started as my page of "nonsense" to prove I could make one.....
has now turned into a whole site.
I keep changing things around and adding new stuff.
(I'm still learning... the "novelty" will wear off soon right??? <grin>)

(NO... the counter isn't stuck... it's supposed to be like that)

Okay... if you really must know.....

Check out my daughter's site... she did a GREAT job!
Welcome to my web-page!!!
Check out hub's page...
be patient... still under construction
My Helicopter Page
Back to: My Pages...
(and other links)

(midi playing: "Desperado")