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Writing Books

Writing books are essential to many authors, while some feel their not influential in a positive way. I'm not one of those authors. I love learning about the craft through the eyes of a more experienced novelist who is willing to teach me. Many of the book contain exercises that enhance the mind, quotes from writers across the world and from another age, psychological imput of writers, and most importantly: Motivation and Inspiration!

I am an affiliate of, and soon Barnes and Nobles, and possibly a third bookstore. When you order a book using the link from my website, I get fifteen percent back. If you wish to order a book, please do so from here, let me know you did, and I will send you a free book through the mail ( of your choice. ) The reason I will have THREE affiliate programs is because I want you to have a choice of price if there is one available for each book.

Please note I am a VERY honest reviewer, and some of these books got horrid reviews. Im sure you may not want to buy these but please remember I don't want to buy the books just so I can proft, I want you to buy the books if they're good and beneficial. I have spent time and money on these books; Not only for my learning, but for yours. Enjoy!

I have divided the page into three sections: Books I have reviewed, Books about to be reviewed, and books I want. If you have a book on my wish list, please email me for a possible trade or sell.

5 stars means no writer should go without
4 stars means its a nice companion
3 stars means a lot of good points, some not
2 stars means a few good points, five dollars max
1 star means I cant believe it was ever published

Building Better Plots

This book is definitely for anyone who has had trouble with the plot. It tells, detailed and step by step, all about the ready made formula plots, the overdone ones, how to reinvent the old to be brand new, etc. I love the examples given; it lets you know about suspense and mystery in plot, and even has an entire chapter devoted to outlining. It didn't really help, however, with thinking of new plots. It basically made clear the structure, etc, and was overall very helpful. I was pleasantly surprised at the outline chapter. This book gets 4 stars.

Writing the Natural Way This book sounded amazing; how to further inhance your creativtiy by using both the left side of your brain and the right. However, I was very dissapointed. The book didn't have much to do with writing, unless you call clustering for an essay having to do with fiction. The book was basically confusing, unorganized, and boring. I'm ashamed to have ever purchased this book. It gets a definite one, if it even deserves that.

What If? Exercises for fiction writers This book is a definitely a must have. Full of exercises for every aspect of fiction - from idea gathering, characterization, dialogue, notebook keeping, anything - it keeps you ( and your creativity ) on your tip toes. Leading each chapter is a humerous and easy to read description and tell how, followed by the exercises, a short objective for giving the exercise ( in other words, why you should do the exercise ), and then some examples from students in their class. A winner! Five stars!

The Fiction Writer's Handbook by Josip NovaKovich. This is not another exercise book; it is not another how to instructional book; it's not another book full of arogant essays. It is an experimental book, and an ingenious one at that. Josip teaches a class through the book. What, you say? It's simple, really. Each chapter picks a theme (Plot, character, whatever ) and begins with a simple to understand but very informative lecture. Then there's the lessons, along wtih examples of his own. A winner! Five stars

The Writer's Digest Handbook of Short Story Writing

This was a sensational book. Everyone here has probably guessed I'm not too keen on short stories. The only reason I checked this book out was - after skimming it - I found delicious details on plot, brainstorming, characterization, setting, quotations, and supreme inspiration! I read this one in a day, not that it's terribly short, just interesting. I would give this book a very high four, and copied several notes from it.

Learning to Write fiction from the masters by Barnaby Conrad

As if you couldn't tell what it was about from the title! This writing book is pure genious, a sensational addition to any writer's library! I loved every minute of it. From quotes from authors and scripts from their books ( short, usually, thank Heavens ) to demonstrate what the writer was trying to teach, this was easy to understand, FUN to understand, and VERY informative. A must have and a definite high unusual Five!

Books Soon to Be reviewed!

The Right to Write by Julia Cameron

Random House Guide to Good Writing

Workbook for fiction writers by Kate Grenville

Why I Write: A collection of essays from several authors on the thoughts of writing

Technique in fiction by Robbie Macauley

The Courage to Write

Writing the novel from plot to print by Lawrence Block

Good advice on writing, quotations from authors past and present edited by William Safire and Leonard Safir.

Books I Want

The Novelist's Notebook
Anybody Can Write
Creating Fiction
Beginnings, middles, and ends
Becoming a Writer
The Art of Compelling Fiction
The 38 Most Common Fiction Mistakes
Zen in the Art of Writing
Writing in Flow
For Writers Only
Writing from the Heart
How to Write by Richard Rhodes
100 ways to improve your Writing
Writing the Block Buster Novel
How to write Best- selling fiction by Dean Koontz
Writing Fiction Step by Step by Josip Novachich
"The First Five Pages" by Noah Lukerman