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God's Promise

God didn't promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow or sun without rain.
But God did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears
and a light for the way,
And for all who believe in His kingdom above,
He answers their faith with everlasting love.
~ Author Unknown ~

What Is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyaligia has been described by sufferers as many things.
According to the Arthritis Foundation "Fibromyalgia syndrome is a common form of generalized pain and fatigue." Sounds simple enough doesn't it? We've all experienced pain haven't we? Although most people do not upon awakening discover they still feel like they've been
run over by a mack truck...twice.

Fibromyalgia is a medical condition.

It is characterized by chronic pain in muscles and fibrous connective tissue ( the ligaments and tendons). The cause of fibromyalgia has yet to be discovered although theories abound. The one thing I can say with absolute certainty is that it definately alters one's life. It imposes limitations when least expected and often creates enormous amounts of frustration through perpetual fatigue or the mind is willing and the body just isn't. It is often confusing and misunderstood by many, not least of all, the medical community because almost all of its symptoms are also common in other conditions.

Fibromyalgia is referred to as a "syndrome" due to the fact that it is a set of signs and symptoms that occur together. Fibromyalgia is a form of soft-tissue or muscular rheumatism rather than of the joint as in arthritis. It mainly affects muscles and their attachments to bones. Now that's not to say that the joints can't hurt like all heck because I'd be lying if I tried to convince you of that! But what it does mean is that it does not cause deformities in the joint the way arthritis does.

Headaches, especially muscular(tension) and migraines are common in fibromyalgia sufferers. Abdominal pain, bloating and alternating constipation and diarrhea are also common. This is often diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome(been there) or spastic colon. It can cause changes in mood and thinking. People with fibromyalgia have reported difficulties concentrating and completing simple mental tasks. Feelings of numbness, tingling in hands, feet,and in the face are also not unheard of. Muscle twitches, irritable bladder, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, dry eyes, dizziness,and in my case actual swelling of the extremities when I overuse them. And no, I have never been able to determine exactly what is too much as it seems to differ depending on weather, how rested I am or the amount of stress in my life that particular day!

Many individuals feel blue or down although only about 25% are truly depressed. Some feel very anxious. Generally the depression and anxiety seem to follow the onset of fibromyalgia symptoms and likely are a result of fibromyaligia rather than the cause. Some researchers feel there may be a biological link between fibromyalgia and some forms of depression and chronic anxiety.

I have found that any number of things can cause flare ups; changes in the weather(sensitive to temperature and moisture changes, resulting in temporary skin colour changes), cold or drafty places, monthly cycle, stress, depression, anxiety, and overexertion to name a few. These symptoms often are misread as carpal tunnel syndrome, neuritis, or even multiple sclerosis resulting in numerous tests only to have negative results. I was scheduled once for carpal tunnel surgery and backed out when I discovered I needed to be awake through the procedure. At this point in time, I am very glad I did not subject myself to that horror as it wasn't carpal tunnel only fibro.

Fibromyalgia pain is generally felt all over but I have heard it described as burning, radiating, gnawing,sore, stiff, aching,and a multitude of other unpleasant feelings. Individuals may look well, but after a careful examination of their muscles, tender points will reveal themselves in particular locations throughout the body and any skilled rheumatologist can perform this examination. Due to the seemingly endless list of signs and symptoms, a skilled physician is required to make the proper diagnosis. Individuals who suspect they may have fibromyalgia, are encouraged to seek a proper examination and diagnosis from a medical doctor who has knowledge and understanding of this syndrome.

The doctor will consider many things when discussing your individual case, but common to all fibromyalgia sufferers is pain that interferes with the patient's life. Experiencing actual pain at 11 of 18 sites on the body, when four kilos of pressure is applied is a hallmark test. A good doctor can tell the difference between a fibromyalgia patient's pain and general discomfort from being poked and prodded.

There is no cure, but understanding the condition may aid in managing it. My diagnosis almost 8 years ago,resulted in changing some of the ways I did things or to what limits I seemed to forever be pushing myself. I am able at times, to manage it better than others. I have used tricylic antidepressants to aid in more restful sleep. At times that works. At others it does not. I have used both over the counter pain medications and prescription pain medications when necessary. I have experimented with herbs and vitamins, but all medications work on an individual basis. What may help one person, may not help another or even at another time. I have found what works best, most of the time anyway, is visualization, relaxation, having a sense of humor, and mild exercise (sometimes lifting my head from the pillow is enough.)

Research is being done to find a cause for this chronic condition, but so far, only theories have been formulated. One theory is that either physical or emotional trauma could be a potential cause of fibromyalgia. I have been in three major car accidents, a single parent for a number of years, and numerous other siuations which would qualify as either physical or emotional trauma. I'll wait and see what they decide.

In the meantime, routine, routine, routine; works best for me. Problem is, I run a private dayhome, and have three kids of my own and still tend to overextend myself when I feel good. So my friends, God bless them all, have learned to accept when I say I'm out of something for a bit, I am. I will return just as soon as I can. When my pain has backed off some and my hands and legs decide to cooperate, I will be right back at it...whatever it may be! I still have found in the last year or two especially, that I need to keep in mind that there is always someone worse off than I am, no matter how crummy I feel and if I can spread just a little sunshine around we'll all feel, if even only in our hearts ...a little better.

Be well
Deborah L.

Spread some sunshine would always be most appreciated.

~ Somebody's Angel ~

Some say that angels come from God,
Borne here on wings snow white,
To touch some human being's life
While on their heavenly flight.

That may be true, for so it seems
To happen, now and then.
Some heavenly being reaches down
To touch the hearts of men.

But there's another kind of gift
That comes from God to men.
It happens when a human heart
Is filled with love again.

And this can happen any time,
On any given day,
If human hearts will hear Love's call
And let Love have its way.

But human hearts are often shy,
And fear what men would say.
They also fail to see how Love
Could use them in this way.

And so they miss the chance to be
Somebody's Angel when
A caring word, a thoughtful deed
Would've brought love back again.

So listen, friend, and heed Love's call
To help someone in need.
Somebody's Angel, on this day,
Just may be you or me.

~ Charles David Heineke ~

"Laugh and the world laughs with you,
Weep and you weep alone."

~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox ~

Guestbook by GuestWorld

A very special "Thank You"
to a wonderful group of ladies "Diva of the 'Net" who made it possible to have a banner made for my fibromyalgia page.
Love and gentle hugs to Diva ~ Lorien ~ who actually created my wonderful banner.
Be Well
Deborah L.

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