The New Looney Bin!

I've not always been mad, you know... I was actually driven mad by the indifference of architecture in Council Planners.... you see, I live in a tower block, and the problem with those is the terrible noise, because there's absolutely no noise insulation at all... and of course eight floors below you there's always some bastard who's got a Yamaha home organ... you're just trying to get to sleep and you hear this *dee dee doo doo dee dee doo doo DA DA DA DA DAAAAAAA!!! dee dee doo doo dee dee doo doo*.... And the people upstairs from me, I can't understand what they're doing. I listen, right, and I hear this strange sound, and it sounds like *vroom vroom blap blap vroom vroom blap blap*! It sounds, right, it sounds like two elephants on a motorbike riding 'round and 'round while a seal bangs a kipper on the table! I went upstairs to complain, and the door was answered by this elephant in a CRASH HELMET!!!! And standing behind him is this seal, going "What is it now, Ralph??" And I don't know, something just snapped inside me and I just started getting very depressed... but then I channeled all of that negative energy into this page, and everything got a lot better. Riiiiiiight..... Anyway, enjoy! (And be a-scared. Be very, very a-scared.)

The X-Files- Incidentally, this is what my other page was about. This is just bits and pieces of it.

Defenders of Justice- This is a comic strip that a friend of mine and I made up. Most of the characters are based on people we know. Note our amazing artistic abilities.

Monty Python- I'm trying to get together some transcripts of my favorite sketches, so be patient, this might take awhile.

Scooby Doo- An in-depth analysis. Sort of.

Spam- Its many uses and virtues explored.

Sports- Why they're ridiculous and stupid.

The Letter Q- It's so unappreciated!

The Meaning of Life- Come on, you know you're curious.

Sesame Street (Why Bert is Evil)- I know, I know, you're thinking, "Bert, evil? Is she insane?" But hear me out on this one.

The Department of Motor Vehicles- This is just pure bitterness manifesting itself.

Stupid People- How I think they should be dealt with.

Breakfast Cereals- Nature's most perfect food.

Christmas- Merry Christmas, all! Here's my input on the holiday.

You Might Be a Marshall IEer...- I can't explain it. Either you'll get it, or you won't.

Deep Thoughts- Some of my favorite Deep Thoughts.

The Young Ones- This is a British comedy series from the early eighties. Hilarious. Those crazy Brits.... **UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!**

Well, folks, that's about all I have to say for now. If you liked/despised/were ambivalent about/were confused by my page, send me feedback. I'll reply, I promise.

HEY! YOU! If you liked my page, go here: ChRoNoDiN's Page of Rantings. And if you didn't like my page... go anyway. You'll love it, I promise. *quietly turns away and accepts endorsement check* :-)

This *was* where I had my counter, but the number was really low, and it was starting to depress me, so I took it off. Instead, here's today's weather in Hell... The Weather in Hell

Tina the Troubled Teen Awww.... ain't she sweet? This is Tina. I adopted her to put on my page. She has a bit of an attitude problem, but that just helps her fit in here. Huzzah!

Do you need advice? Look no further, my friend! Here's a little jewel of wisdom to get you through the day:Uncle Hyman