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Cesia - Cipora (1885 - 1956) m.

Yechiel (Hilek) Frenkel (1883 - 1953)

Tel Aviv, Israel

1. Marysia (1912) m. Michael Szwarc (1909-2000), USA 2. Gabriel (1914 - 1936 ) 3. Emek (1916) m. Rala (1914), Holon, Israel
1.Rafi (1936) m. Iris Better, USA 2. Meira (1942) m. Claude Penchina 3. Rina (1956) m. Lee Zion 1. Gabi (1939 - 1967) m. Bracha Oren, Kiboutz Lahav, Israel 2. Dudu (1946) m. Ruchama (Steinhard), Holon, Israel
1. Gwen (1960) m. Eric Hansen USA 2. Solange (1961) m. Mike Whitehead, USA 3. Judy (1970) m. Greg Owen, USA 1. Gil (1969)


Sue Buydens,


2.Leora (1974), London

1. Alon (1965) m. Sharona Goldfarb 2.Neta (1966) 1. Tamir (1973)

m. Gitit ;

2.Ophir (1977)

1. Lauren (1989);

2. Emily (1991);

3. Summer (1994)

1. Lynnelle (1992);

2.Derek (1995)

3. Bethany (1999)

Zachary (2004) 1. Tom (1996);

2.Yitai (1997)

* Mordechai Schwarz had a second son (name unknown) who had a son called Israel who married Golda (?)They had a son Mayer (1880-1936) who married Regina Preger. Michael and Rala Szwarc (who married Marysia and Emek Frenkel) were the children of Mayer. There was a third child, Zosia.

Meira writes: "My parents Marysia and Michael ....I have 2 children Gil who is 29 living in Palo alto Ca. He works for EBAY. He will be married this sept. (‘99). He is a wonderful kid with a great personality. Leora is 24 and has just moved to London to work and be near her boyfriend Rony [from Holon!!] they are both quite ambitious. Claude my husband is originally from Paris and is a physicist. I have just retired and working harder than before."

Rafi writes: "We, Iris and I live in the Tampa bay area of Florida. This is located in the middle of the peninsula and on the west coast. Our home is actually located on the shore of Tampa Bay. This bay is a bout 850 miles wide and 500 mile deep. Our daughters, Gwen Hanson lives in Gainsville Florida, about 150 miles north of us, Solange, in Scottsdale (Phoenix) Arizona abut 2,000 miles west and our youngest Judy, Dallas Texas about 1200 mile north west. My parents live in Solana Beach just north of San Diego."

Gwen wrote: "I'm Gwen, Michael and Marija Szwarc's oldest grandchild. My father is Raphael (born in Palestine in 1936) . I'm a family doc living in Gainesville, Florida and my husband, Eric is starting his own company that makes alerters for data base systems. He's a professor of computer science at the University of Florida.

More photos
See Lynnelle & Derek's site
See the Hansen site
See Iris Szwarc's site
Tamir & Gitit part II
Tamir & Gitit part III
Still the same them (Part IV - April 2001)