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Desperately Seeking Shampoo

"Nihao!!! Shampoo very welcome you to her page!"

Aaaaiyah!!! Shampoo so happy you come visit her! Welcome to her page, you get a lot here from her. Shampoo tell you little about herself...

Shampoo is Amazon woman from China. She very cute, no? She meet girl-type Ranma in battle. Ranma steal Shampoo prize, so Shampoo challenge Ranma in fight. Rnam defeat her, so Shampoo follow Amazon Tribal Law and give her Kiss of Death. Now, Shampoo follow girl-type Ranma to ends of earth and she kill her! Shampoo follow girl Ranma to Japan. Shampoo find her in store and so she challenge Ranma to fight, but she run away. A girl say she go outside, so Shampoo follow, but no find Ranma!! Wicked girl! She trick Shampoo and help Ranma! So Shampoo go find Genma and wait for Ranma at home.

Shampoo wait for very long time, but Shampoo is very patient girl. She wait and wait for Ranma, but no Ranma there. Shampoo finally see tricky girl with boy. She say Ranma is boy, but Ranma no boy, Ranma girl! Shampoo teach sneaky girl never to lie again! Shampoo want to fight, but boy-type Ranma stop her and win fight with Shampoo!!! Aaaaaaaiyahh!! Wo ai ni... Shampoo follow Amazon Tribal Law, and now, she love boy-type Ranma and want to marry him!! But Ranma no want marry Shampoo. Shampoo no care. She very stubborn girl and want Ranma no matter what!!!

Soon, Shampoo find out that wicked girl, Akane, is fiancee to Ranma!! Stupid Akane, she always so jealous. She try to steal Ranma from Shampoo! Shampoo no let that happen, so she get rid of Akane and brainwash her with formula 119 shampoo! Now, Shampoo have Ranma all to herself!! But then, Akane get her memory back and remember Ranma, so Shampoo prepare to defeat her! Ranma stop fight and tell me he going to show me something. Ranma pour water on him and turn into girl-type Ranma!!! Shampoo so mad! Ranma...Ranma is girl-type Ranma, too. Shampoo want to kill her...but couldn't. How could she kill someone she love...but hate at the same time? Shampoo not know what to do..she cry and tell Ranma she never see him again and go back to China in disgrace.

Shampoo go back to China and train with great-granny at Cursed Springs of Jusenkyo. She fall in Spring of Drowned Cat, so now, when Shampoo fall in cold water, she turn cat! Shampoo mail herself to Ranma. Ranma afraid of cats, but Shampoo no care! Now, Shampoo in Japan to stay with great-granny at Cat Cafe and have happy time there.

Shampoo not only one love Ranma. Stupid Akane, Ukyo and Kodachi! Why they so jealous? Shampoo not let them get Ranma. Shampoo give them kiss of death!!!

*** Shampoo remind you she no finish her page. You come back to visit Shampoo again, okay? Aiyaa!!! Shampoo get news webmistress no continue Shampoo page. Stupid girl! ***

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