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The Two Sides of Ranma

"I'm Ranma Saotome of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts..."

Hey, it wasn't my idea. It wasn't like I asked for this or nothin' but Pop was stupid enough to drag me along on this training session in China. We crossed the sea to this place in China called The Cursed Springs of Jusenkyo. How the heck was I supposed to know that I would change into this girl? Man, I would give up almost anything to change back to normal for good! Hey, I thought that was bad enough but the old man had some more comin' at me. He dragged me down to Tokyo all the way from China to meet this so-called fiancee of mine named Akane. She's not even cute! She's built like a brick, her legs are too thick...let's just say that she's so uncute! She's really cranky and violent, too. She'll be lucky if she can trick a poor guy into marrying a tomboy like her!

...Well okay, okay! Akane can be really cute sometimes. Like when she smiles. But don't tell her that, I mean I don't want her to think I like her or nothin"!

Akane appears at that moment, holding a large bucket and splashes Ranma with cold water.

Ranma, dripping wet and now in the form of a girl: Hey, whaddya do that for? Akane, you are so uncute!!!

Akane:Hey Ranma, it's a great opportunity to show everyone your feminine side!

Ranma, sticking out his(her) tounge:Akane, you and I both know that boy or girl, I'm the cuter one! Boy, you're gonna hafta learn to be half as sexy as me or you'll never catch yourself a husband!!!

...Okay, okay, we all know what's going to happen next: Akane punches, kicks, slams poor Ranma with something or the other. Since Ranma's pretty unable to speak at the moment, let me continue with the adorable,feminine and ever so kawaii side of Ranma: Ranchan!!!

"You lame brain I'm a guy!!!"

Look, I don't know how many times I've said this before but I'm not sayin' it again! Let's just get one thing clear before we go on to something else: I KNOW I look cute and sexy and I know I have the great bod and the looks of a girl supermodel but I'm not a girl, I'M A GUY!!! I mean, if there were more advantages to being a girl, maybe i wouldn't be complaining so much, but being chased by that love sick Kuno guy and by Shampoo to the ends of the earth until I get killed is definately NOT my idea of fun!!! Call me a girl one more time and you're losin' it, pal!!!

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...Since July 25,1998