Title: Forbidden Fruit Author: Eileen S. Whipple Email: whipples@connect.ab.ca Classification: VA Rating: R for sexual content Keywords: Mulder/Other, Mulder/Scully Summary: "I've always thought about her and now, she will haunt me." DISCLAIMER: Chris Carter owns all the characters in the X-Files, although Catriona and Moira belong to me. "Kind Of Woman" belongs to Stevie Nicks, who just keeps inspiring me. Notes: This was written quickly while I was under the influence of Tylenol 3; I was tired and jotted this all down. It came from listening to "Kind Of Woman" several times. To Stephanie, Stevie #2, who also inspires me. ******************** Forbidden Fruit by Eileen S. Whipple March 11, 2000 ******************** *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "I promised myself a long time ago It would be difficult to let you go If not at least Within the touch of my fingers -- It was close to being in heaven..." *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* I had always been faithful to my wife in our two years of marriage. I love Catriona and our year-old baby daughter, but I was propelled headfirst into something I should have controlled but didn't. Something I'd wanted a long time ago but never had the chance to follow through with it. It all became forbidden when I married Cat. I saw Scully in the Hoover Building halls and I ached inside. She hadn't spoken to me since we were assigned to new duties within the Bureau. I believe she felt it was my fault for our separation since I married Cat and spoke to my superiors about relocation. I caught her alone in the underground parking lot. She hadn't changed much in our time apart; her beautiful red hair hung past her shoulders now, and her legs weren't as pale as before. "Scully," I said. She jumped slightly but kept her back to me. We had been so comfortable together until I began dating Cat, my raven-haired Scottish beauty. Scully turned around. "What do you want, Agent Mulder?" "I wanted to talk to you." She slammed her trunk. "About what?" She sounded irritated. "About you...us." "Mulder, *we* were a long time ago and since we don't work together, there's no reason for us to speak." "I called you when Cat gave birth to Moira but I never heard from you." "You led me on, you son of a bitch! You kissed me, expecting me not to react. You kissed me passionately and then you go find some other woman." She was hurt and I felt it in her words, saw it in her flashing blue eyes. I remembered the time she mentioned. I had kissed her out of the blue one hot day while in our office. That same day was when I met Cat. "Scully, I had no idea I was going to meet Cat after that. You didn't seem to feel anything." I reached for her, grabbing her by the upper arms. "Let me go!" she cried out sharply. "I want to go out to dinner with you. We need to get some things cleared up. Cat is visiting family in Edinburgh with Moira." I let her go and she stepped back. She sounded reluctant when she snapped, "Okay. I want to tell you what I think about your new family bliss." I didn't mean for it to happen, but we ended up beneath the white silk sheets of my bed, having angry sex. I could still see the pain in her eyes as she moaned with pleasure. I wasn't even caring about how what I was doing could hurt Cat. I groaned loudly as Scully scratched her long nails down my back. I was deep inside her, somewhere I'd only been in fantasies I would've had two years before. She never seemed very interested in me so I moved on to pursuing a new love, Catriona Fraser. If I had done *this* before meeting Cat, it would be Scully and I living together as husband and wife. Sweat slicked our bodies, allowing our hands to travel easily over each other's skin. Her body was nothing like I remembered. Her stomach was flat, and her limbs were extremely developed. She must have spent the last two years at the gym. She used her thighs to keep a tight hold on my hips, causing my thrusts decrease in speed but not force. As she came, she arched her back and put her mouth on my shoulder. Then she bit me, the painful feeling of her teeth in my flesh triggering my own orgasm. She held me as I flooded her with my hot fluid. I felt the guilt after we were finished. I rolled off Scully and began gathering our clothes. In the dim light I saw her get up and reach for her panties in the pile of clothes I'd created. She muttered, "I have to get out of here." She dressed completely and started out of the bedroom. "Scully! Wait!" I put on my pants and ran out after her. She was slipping her jacket on. "I'll drive you back to your car." She scowled. "No. Just leave me alone. I get it; you belong to Cat in your heart. What we did was only about gratification. For me it was about getting rid of my rage. I still feel it though." She left in a hurry and I didn't want to chase her. She was already upset and she had a reason to be. I feel so awful now as I do my best to hide the scratches on my back. Cat and Moira were already on their flight home so I have time to think before they arrive. I called Scully at home and at work, getting no answer at either number. I thought about calling her mother's place but Scully needs to be alone. My guilt is still eating away at me. I cheated on my wife and enjoyed it, and through that enjoyment, I believe I ruined the woman I used to love. I've never thought she was jealous of my happiness but it was obvious she hated Cat. I loved Scully and I know that from now on, I'll have times when I regret not going after her. It was hard to let her go two years ago after she didn't react to my advances but if she came back to me as a friend, I'd still care about her. I've always thought about her and now, she will haunt me. I was propelled headfirst into something I *could have* controlled but didn't. I tasted the forbidden fruit and may have destroyed the lives of two women in the process. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "She came to you when you were alone And yes, she matters to you Kind of woman that'll haunt you..." *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~