From Sat Apr 05 20:47:52 1997 Newsgroups: Subject: NEW: Judas By Eileen S. Whipple From: (Betty Tuong) -------- Hallo everybody, I'm here to post a story for my very good friend Eileen. She doesn't haves access to the Internet, but she's the most dedicated writer I've ever known, and she would really appreciate your feedback on her stories. (Another story, entitled "Forgiveness", will be posted shortly.) So please read on, keep in mind it's written by a 15 year old, and please send a message to me at, with your comments. I, and Eileen, will really appreciate it! Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the story. Disclamier: All characters belong to CC, TTP and FOX Broadcasting... No infringement is intended... so if I left anything out, don't sue me, please. I'm not a lawyer or anything, so just forgive me. Please. >>8-)> Rating: General? There's a whopping total of 2 'bad' words, I hope they don't offend. Anyway, on with the story. Again, please send your comments to Enjoy! ============== Judas Eileen S. Whipple =============== Opening her office door, Dana Scully nervously clutched the white file folder to her chest. She'd gotten the folder ten minutes earlier from a man she knew only as Mr. Sansom; he had approached her while she was getting out of her car. The folder contained Dana's new assignment; her last one, she hoped. She was tired of corrupt instructions that she had to follow. At first, it had been great; she'd been paid well and always had money when she needed new clothes, car repairs or groceries. Now, she wanted out. She wanted to quit the clandestine organization she had once been so fond of. It wasn't the people in the group that made Dana want to quit: it was her ultimate assignment. She'd been assigned to work with a male agent - Fox Mulder - nearly five years before. She was originally set to work with him in order to stop his investigations into government conspiracies and the truth about extraterrestrials. Most times, she failed, but she was always given another chance because she was the only one Fox trusted. Dana knew the inevitable was coming; she'd have to kill Fox. The Organization suspected he knew more than he would tell his partner. She didn't want to kill him but if she defied the Organization, she'd surely lose her life. Dana hoped that somehow, she would be able to warn the man she'd come to love as a friend before it was too late. Dana sighed as she drove across the bridge to the cabin, the cabin where she had stayed after being "abducted". Before then, she hadn't been too concerned if Mulder cared about her or not. Her only agenda had been to get him discouraged enough to make him quit the FBI and give up on finding the answers to his questions about the unknown. After her "abduction", the Organization realized Mulder wouldn't give up searching for Scully, so they decided the plan had failed and put Scully in a Georgetown hospital, in a hypnotically-induced coma. After waking up, Scully lied to Mulder about everything; about not knowing who abducted her, or where she'd been taken. Now, all the lies were taking their toll on her conscience. "Just try to kill him quickly and get it over with," Scully told herself, getting out of her car. "You'll be out of the country by tomorrow." She knew she'd hate herself if she killed Mulder but she hadn't a choice. She hated herself already for letting the Organization kill her sister Melissa, but they had said the bullet would only put her in a deep coma. Scully had tried to warn them that they couldn't mess with people's lives. Nevertheless, they went ahead with the plot. Scully dialled Mulder's number. She made her voice tremble when he answered the phone. "Mulder, I found it - the place where I really was. I wasn't in a train car. There's a cabin on Skyland Mountain. I was here." He knew who it was. "I'll be right there, Scully. What side of the mountain is it on?" "Um, I'm not sure. Southwest, I think. There's a fence surrounding the cabin. There's a bridge leading to a front gate." "How did you find it?" "I was driving around and I felt drawn to it." "So you're sure you were there?" Mulder asked. Scully forced herself to cry. "Yeah." Mulder said, "I'll be there soon." After hanging up, Scully wiped her eyes. She was going to wait until Mulder arrived and then she would confess to him all that she had done. She was going to try to let him leave before the Organization came to see that Mulder was executed. She would just say he had overpowered her. She knew Mulder would be furious and would maybe even try to handcuff her. That's why she would have to knock him out and tie him up. Scully sat down in the dark den and waited. "Scully, wake up." Scully opened her eyes and yawned. She saw Mulder. "Sorry, I fell asleep," she said. Mulder helped her to her feet. He looked around. "So this is where they kept you? Why did you say it was a train car?" As Mulder scanned the room, Scully too out her gun, and when he turned around, she used all her strength to club her partner with the butt of her gun. The blow to Mulder's head wasn't severe. He awoke an hour later, after Scully had tied him to a chair. She stood in front of him. "What the fuck is going on?" he demanded angrily. Scully said, "I'm sorry I had to do this but I have to tell you something." "What? That you're into bondage fantasies? Untie me." Scully put her finger to his lips. "I have a confession to make." Mulder sighed. "What is it?" Scully gathered her thoughts, mustered up enough courage, and after a minute or so, she said, "This might be hard to believe but I've been working for Cancer Man for the past five years. That's who made Section Chief Blevins assigned me to the X-Files." The information quickly sunk in. Mulder yelled, "Scully, how could you do this to me? I trusted you!" "I'm sorry, Mulder, but you can't know the reason for my actions. You wouldn't understand." "No, but I do understand this: our friendship has been based on lies and trickery, and I can't believe I trusted you." Scully pulled a chair up to where Mulder was tied up. She sat down and said, "I'm getting out, Mulder. I'm leaving the group. I'm sick of the corruption, so I'm leaving. I'll probably have to go into hiding since they'll probably come after me." "Why, Dana? Or is that even your real name?" Mulder's anger softened, a bit. "Yeah. It's my name, and I don't know why." "So you weren't abducted?" What did you do all those months?" "I stayed here. The whole Duane Barry thing was a setup." "And your coma? Was that faked?" "Sort of. I was put under hypnosis and given a suggestion that made my body and brain act as if it was comatose." "And Melissa? How could you stand by and let them shoot your sister?" Mulder demanded. "They assured me she'd be okay, but they miscalculated, and accidentally shot her in the head. I'm furious with them and myself, believe me." "Why should I believe you? You've lied to me from the beginning." Scully went to look out the window. "I'm telling the truth, Fox." "Who are you watching for?" "Fox, I know you won't believe me, but I am so sorry." Scully's eyes filled with tears but she didn't cry. Mulder was silent for a while. "My sister - what happened to Samantha?" When Scully didn't reply, Mulder yelled, "Tell me now, you conniving bitch!" "She's alive and lives in Albany." "She lives in New York? Let me go, I have to find her." Mulder struggled in his chair. "No. Albany, Australia. It's a few hours from Perth." Scully was wondering if she should let Mulder go. He'd been looking for his sister for nearly twenty-four years. She was the reason he had begun to look for the truth. Mulder was on the verge of tears. "How is she? Does she have a family?" "She's fine. She's married to a man named Christopher Davies, and she has two little girls named Sara and Carmen." "Please let me go, I want to see my sister and her family. Dana, I'm sure somewhere in you is the sweet, kind person I once knew. Anybody with a heart would let me go." Scully saw Mulder crying and was about to untie him when the door burst open. An old man smoking a cigarette walked in, followed by three men in dark suits. "Well done, Miss Scully," the Cancer Man said. "You know what you have to do now." Scully announced, "Yes." She turned and smiled tearfully at Mulder. "You were a great friend, Fox. I'm sorry for deceiving you, but I had no choice." "Dana, you have a choice now," Mulder whispered. "You can untie me and we can leave." "No, we can't. I'm sorry, but I have to do this." She looked at Cancer Man and he nodded. Scully drew her gun. "Dana, no, please let me see Samantha. I miss her." She pressed the gun against his forehead and closed her eyes as she put her finger on the trigger and began to squeeze it. "Forgive me, Fox." "Do it!" the smoking man ordered, "Now!" "No!" Scully whipped around and shot at the four men. She got them before they could even reach for their guns. As they fell to the ground in pain, Scully undid her friend's bonds and said, "Come on, Fox, let's go." They ran from the house to Mulder's car. "We have to go," Mulder said. "I thought you hated me," Scully said as he pushed her into the passenger seat. "You told me where my sister is when you didn't have to, and you could've killed me, but you didn't. Besides, I love you, even though you deceived me. You deserve a second chance. I'll help you change." "You love me?" She was shocked. She hadn't expected Mulder to say that. "Let's go to the airport. We'll head for Perth and the, we'll drive to Albany." Mulder started driving. "Thanks, Dana. I've finally ended my quest. I know where Samantha is." "Fox!" The tall, brown-haired woman ran down the front path. "Samantha!" Mulder ran to meet his sister. She ran into his arms. He picked her up and spun in a circle. Samantha Mulder-Davies was crying with joy. "I'm so glad to see you. I missed you so much." "Me, too." Mulder didn't let his sister go for a while. A man with two children came out of the house the happy reunion was taking place in front of. "Fox, this is my husband, Christopher Davies, and my daughters, Sara and Carmen." Mulder shook his brother-in-law's hand and hugged his nieces. "Samantha, this is my fiancée, Dana Scully." Mulder pulled Scully by the hand. "Great! A sister-in-law!" Samantha embraced Scully. Mulder had forgiven Scully completely and asked her to marry him on the plane. She had accepted. Mulder finally found his long-lost sister and family he didn't even know he had. Now, he was going to start a new life in Australia with his bride-to-be, former Judas, Dana Scully. ======== The End ========