Title: Anticipation Author: Eileen S. Whipple Classification: V, slight MSR Rating: G Spoilers: Triangle, Fight the Future Summary: Mulder thinks about what he told Scully and his hopes for the future with her. Disclaimer: All characters and dialogue (that is not mine) belong to Chris Carter (The Man) and 10-13 Productions. Notes: I'm only visiting the Ship for a day. Perhaps I'll play a little shuffleboard, take a swim, but I'll get back to my space on the Fence soon. Most of this was written right after "Triangle" so I was very tired. Because of that, I claim that Mulder was serious about everything he said at the end of "Triangle" but was under the influence of *legal drugs*. This is basically a stream of consciousness story so enjoy the ride! Thank you to my beta reader Heather. I hope to find more readers soon. **Anticipation** I did it. I told her I loved her. Her reply, "Oh brother" was not quite what I had anticipated. Scully probably thought I was talking nonsense since everything else that I had said wasn't particularly believable. As if she'd believe I'd been aboard a lost 1939 ship with her, in the Bermuda Triangle. Yeah, like anybody would believe that! Hell, if somebody came up to me and said that he or she had done a little time-travelling while stuck in the Bermuda Triangle, there would only be a remote chance I'd believe it. But I did go back, and I was with Scully. She looked a little different and didn't know who I was, but it was Scully. The attitude was the same. Scully thought I was delirious, when I told her I loved her. Not that I blame her. I sounded outrageous, but I was being completely honest. Whenever I do tell her what I feel, I'm sincere. I meant what I said, but I wished I could choose better times to reveal my feelings. "You make me a whole person," my own voice echoed inside my head, from that fateful time in the hallway. Damn that bee! I wanted to let her know how I really feel about her, but the bee *had* to sting her right at that pivotal moment, when we were about to kiss. I wished we had. How *do* I feel about her? She is amazing, beautiful, intelligent and wonderful. I wasn't thrilled when she had been assigned to work with me but I've grown to love her over the years. We've been through so much together and I've always wanted to tell her that I care. The next time will she believe me and react? Or will she still think I'm out of my mind? I guess that's what the future is for. That means I'll have to wait, but I'd wait forever for the answer as long as I remain with Scully, as her partner, friend and confidant. END *********************** Feedback, please? Send it to either: whipples@connect.ab.ca or avatar27@connect.ab.ca