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Sheena's Nothings.... and some things


HEY EVERYONE. If you really don't want to read a bunch of garbage about me and my friends then just go to the links at the dead bottom of the page. I made it that easy for ya. But the links are mostly me and my friends or family, so thats all im offering you... The Wonderfun World of Sheena

I dont really know who has the link to this and who doesnt. I really dont care who looks at it, but if u wanna comment im sure my emails on here some where. (As most of you know, i dont care what most people think of me, or about what i do. Yes, me amanda and ashley stalked people when we were like, 11 or 12, and we had fun while doing it!) Dont mock my actions, cuz im sure ive done worse, or, errr, i mean you've done worse. Im a freakin angel here! Ive been really happy lately too, in spite of all the school stress, which makes me sick really. I got to see Demian, and now im making him hang out with me everyweek. Got to see Ashley more and partied in Guelph. And Katherine I like to drag to Demetres with me, always good times.

HEY HEY to everyone with a pic on my site, and if i love you and there isnt one it means ur camera shy, cuz i usually take billions of pics. (JESSICA!) Or it means i never take my camera out, I just forget it. If you wanna be on here you gotta come out with me one nite and make sure i bring my camera...its making a come back. And school is done in like what? a few weeks im sure. So after that im sure we'll all be bar hopping in no time. We have to get katherine drinking and having fun some more. MUAH

Oh ya, and i do live near Toronto now, so maybe ill see ya! :> Call me if u wanna go shopping!!! Im pretty sure its the only thing i do well. Everyone needs a talent, mines shopping for bargains!!!! LOL. Or not so much bargains as stuff I can carry home. Working beside the Eatons centre doesnt help.

I have got to be one of the most boring people ever huh? Email me and I'll change this all around. Feel free to bitch a lot too. I like hate mail. Atleast theres pictures now, before this was just a full out waste of space (meaning just my thoughts). Anyone wanting to go downtown and bar guzzle or just hangout let me know. I like to eat so dinners always a good option. And my friends are cool, so anyone can join us. Its all about the Toronto Trash and the TTC. Gotta love it, no DDs. It's a new adventure everynight, i guess i just find weird people that way. Its been brought to my attention that this is my fault, not just the crazy peoples, but how i talk to everyone in general. Its how i was brought up, but I just dont want it to hurt anyone, myself or anyone I care about. Not that the crazy people will, but anyone. Im not making sense. Im wondering if that matters tho? Has anyone noticed? Is anyone reading? For your sake I really hope not. Can I have some more dopamine now... please?

p.s. brampton boys are 2 things, 1. ginos or just boys who spend too much time with their cars, parked in parking lots, or 2. crack heads. Majority Ive realised, are both! hehe

In the words of the...well you know: Yo Guy, Lates. tee hee

My Photos!!!!

OLD PICS...mostly before OAC
Formals 2001, 2002
Turtle Jacks Commencement Night
ADDED PICS...this changes more than the others
Not Pics But some Random thoughts Ive had....
Picture Board from my room
Matty Thomas' Site (more wasted space than mine is!) LOL
More Pics....
This is some of my family...