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Julie and Jody's Page of Sexy Guys!

Pics of Ryan Phillippe

Pics of Matt Damon

Pics of Mark Magrath

Pics of AJ Mclean(BSB)

Pics of Ncik Carter(BSB)

Welcome to our web page! I'm Jody and my friend Julie is sitting right beside me. She says hi! Anyway, we decided to make this web page so everyone can see all the sexy guys in the world. If there is a guy that you think is sexy that is not on this page email us and we'll try to put him on. Now this is Julie and Jody is sitting right beside me chewing her gum really loud. Just joshing ya! In case you haven't seen Cruel Intentions it is the best movie ever! Well maybe not the best but it's pretty good especially cause Ryan's in it. This page is still under construction so hopefully there will be lots more stuff here soon. We are going to get pics of Leonardo Dicaprio and Scott Robinson from 5ive hopefully very soon. Bye for now!

OK we are back. Well just one of us. Right now I am trying to write something about all of the guys on here but the only one I have done so far is Ryan Phillippe. If you happen to go look at his pictures and notice that one of them says dork on it, please just ignore that. My brother did it and I am trying to undo it.

This is our really cute hairball named Spunky. Isn't it so cute. You can go get your own if you want one.

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