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Now to find my twenty-five pairs in this mass of wires isn't that difficult.  First we find the group they're in and then we use some test equipment to locate our particular pairs and then as we cut off the cable we don't want we test the discarded wire for possible working service on it.

The group of one hundred pairs of wires in my hand is the one our pairs are in.   Now we'll go through and flag the pairs we want.
We've gone through and flagged each of the pairs we needed and now we have started to trim out the cable we don't want.
Done at last!  We had to follow each of our flagged pairs into the splice moving pairs in the same group out of the way as we worked.  The splice isn't to messed up.  But the engineers have a habit of asking us to do more to splices that weren't meant to be touched.  That's my opinion.