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To Do:
4th - Meeting, 7:00 PM, Holden Hall Room 4
18th - Breedlove Dehydration Nature Trail, meet 5:00 PM Jones Stadium, West parking lot
28th - South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation, 9:00 AM, Jack-o-lantern carving

In History:
1st - In 1990 Congress establishes Yosemite National Park
3rd - Britian detonates first atomic bomb in 1952
9th - In 1865 the first U.S. underground oil pipeline is laid in Pennsylvania
10th - 1963: Atmospheric nuclear test ban treaty signed by U.S., UK, and USSR
11th - In 1989 oil is discovered in an unexplored area off African coast
16th - In 1916 Margaret Sanger opens the first birth control clinic
18th - Alaskan territory is handed over from Russia to U.S. in 1867
19th - In 1970 British Petroleum makes first major oil find in North Sea
20th - 1973: OPEC oil embargo begins
21st - Edison successfully tests first electrical lamp in 1879
24th - In 1904 the first U.S. rapid-transit subway system open in NYC
27th - Theodore Roosevelt's birthdate in 1858
31st - Halloween

Webpage maintained by Jake Farnum
