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How to quest

There are particular things that you need to be mindful of when questing your equipment. The first thing that you should be mindful of is your questing limit. Your questing limit is 760 + your current status * 10.

So, if you are a status 0 avatar, you could quest
760 + 0 * 10 = 760 + 0 = 760
If you were a status 10 Adventurer, you could quest
760 + 10 * 10 = 760 + 100 = 860.

Now, please note that the above limits are for standard mud e.q., NOT created e.q. With created eq, you can quest a base of 1260 qp.

Which means that if you are a status 0 avatar, you could quest
1260 + 0 * 10 = 1260 + 0 = 1260 qp (on your created eq)
If you were a status 10 Adventurer, you could quest:
1260 + 10 * 10 = 1260 + 100 = 1360

Be mindful of your questing limits when adding stats to your equipment. The questing limit applies to the sum totals of qp spent on hit/dam, AC, str, dex, con, int, and wis. Anything else that you quest on your equipment will not count toward this total.

How to quest armor

When questing armor, you need to be mindful of what fields you need to quest:

  1. spellproof
  2. curses
  3. protection
  4. weight
  5. str, dex, int, wis, con
  6. spells and shields: sanct, protection, acidshield, etc.
  7. hitroll
  8. damroll
  9. AC
  10. Indest

The above fields should be quested in the order listed, and I will tell you why.

1. spell proof -- This is very important, as it renders your item immune to damage from offensive spell attacks from enemies. This should be done as soon as you obtain any item that is to be used by you.

Syntax: c spellproof item

2. curses -- Many items on this game are cursed with "nodrop" or "noremove" curses.

To rid the item of the curse:
cast 'remove curse' item self
or cast 'remove curse' item xx
or cast 'remove curse' 2.item
or cast 'remove curse' item

One of those means should work. Do not be mean to anyone and advise them to wear no-remove eq. And, also do not trans nodrop eq to other players. You may either remove the curse on the item, or you may trans it to a mob.

3. Protection -- In this case, protection is the enhancement of your equipment's base armor class, NOT the spell that provides protection from attacks from evil sources. You will note that created eq will have a base protection of 15, while standard eq will have a protection that varies from 1 to 15. You can easily quest protection on your standard equipment so that it offers the same base protection as created eq.

The syntax is simple:
quest item protection +amount
e.g.: If you have a ring with an armor class 3 of protection,
quest ring protection +12

NOTE: Please do not confuse yourself between armor class and AC. AC is an added armor class affect that is costly and only works if negative!! Armor class is the strength of the armor, with 1 being weak and 15 being strong.

Cost: 1 qp per point.

4. weight: weight is very important. It is easier to hit a slow moving target. In effect, weight affects your combat ability. To counteract this problem, always quest the weight value on your equipment. NOTE: Created equipment already has a weight of 1.

syntax: quest item weight

Cost: 10 qp.

5. str, dex, int, wis, and con: These stats are all very important.

These stats can be quested up to 25 in each categoty. NOTE: You may feel inspired to quest extra strength on your equipment. This helps to counteract poison attacks from the enemy. This means that if you find yourself in an area where mobs poison you, your extra strength acts as a buffer against your character's strength being reduced.

e.g.: You go into The Deep, and you're poisoned by -25 to your strength. Well, if you have 30 extra strength on your equipment, you will still have full strength, with 5 to spare. Note: You may quest +3 on standard and +6 on created.

syntax: quest item affect +number

Cost: 30 qp per point.

6. spells:

Syntax: quest item spell spellname

Cost: 50 qp per spell.

Note: Even IF you have an immunity to a certain type of magic, that immunity will not register unless you have that shield on.

7. hitroll -- this is your chances of hitting the enemy. Note: You can quest +5 on standard eq, and +10 on created eq.

Syntax: quest item hit +number

Cost: 30 qp per point.

8. damroll -- This is how much damage you have a chance of doing to the enemy (granted that you've first hit the enemy) Note: You can quest +5 on standard eq, and +10 on created eq.

Syntax: quest item dam +number

Cost: 30 qp per point.

9. AC -- This value is the added armoring affect on your eq. You can quest -25 on standard mud eq and up to -50 (yeah, right, who can afford to quest -50 and still have full hit/dam when status stops off at 25?) on created eq. Note: Always use a NEGATIVE number when questing AC.

Syntax: quest item ac -number

Cost: 20 qp per point.

10. INDEST -- You can quest this on your equipment once you obtain status 10. This renders your equipment ungiftable and unsaccable. However, it most importantly renders the equipment unbreakable. You must maintain status 10 or better to maintain indest.

syntax: quest item indest

NOTE: Indesting eq should also spell-proof it, but check to be sure.