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War Games

Just for the record, here's the rules I follow when I'm in Nerf wars.
  1. No matter where you're hit ( even on loose clothing ), it counts as a hit. The principle is that the ammo blows up when it hits people like ammo from a fighter jet or something.
  2. Ammo can be picked up from the ground and used again.
  3. You can block with your gun.
  4. Ricochets don't hurt you ( they explode on impact, remember? ).

Well, here they are. Feel free two send me some of your own ( remember that I put them on exactly how you sent it to me, so make sure it makes sense ).
Snipers by Brandt Tullis ( me )
This game can be played with any number of people. The limit is one more SWAT person than sniper. So with five people there's two snipers and three SWAT guys, but with four there's an equal amount of the two. The SWAT people go outside for three minutes ( where they can't see in windows ) while the snipers hide anywhere in the house. After three minutes the SWAT guys go inside and try to kill the snipers. Whoever kills a sniper gets to be one, and if a sniper lives at the end he's still a sniper. This is a fun game so try it.

POW by me
This game needs at least four people to be fun. The POW gets a gun with one piece of ammo in it, and guards get whatever they want ( if you have more than four guards, there should be two POWs ). The POW goes inside and gives the guards five minutes to station up ( they have to be spaced as far as possible ), and then he goes outside. His goal is to reach the street. Rules: The POW can pick up the guns of whoever he has shot. The POW can't go out the front entrance. Whoever shoots the POW gets to be the POW next turn.

Aliens by me
This game is awesome, and you've probably never played anything like it before. You need an even number of people to play ( two is perfect ), and this game is best played indoors. One half of the people playing are the aliens, and the other half are the hunters. The aliens each get a pair of large boxing gloves, and hunters can have whatever they want ( it has to be a Nerf gun ). The rules are as follows:
-the aliens get a two hit death, and the hunters die when they get punched by an alien
-the aliens can block with their gloves
This game is awesome, so try it.

Covert Ops by MikeyNgo
You need at least 3 people to play this. 2 people are guards and 1 person is a secret agent. If you have more than 3 people, the rest are "Hunters" that go after the agent. Everyone agrees on a starting point for the agent to be at to start the game. The 2 guards will be at a fort guarding something (you pick what).If there are any hunters, they try to kill the agent and are allowed to exit the fort. The object of the game for the secret agent is to steal the "something" and bring it back to his Starting point without dying. The object for the guards is to not let anyone steal the "something" that they are guarding. And the object for the hunters is to Kill the agent. Everyone should be armed and guards and hunters are authorized to use overwhelming force, meaning after you hit the agent, waste the poor bastard with every single piece of ammo you have. After each game, you should alternate the people who will be agents, guards and hunters.

Cybertronian Wars by Reed Makamson.
even teams of 3 or better. all get 1 twohanded, 2 one handed weapons, and up to double the total maxamum load of all its weapons(counting the origanal load). both teams have an HQ. within each HQ is is their teams matrix. the object is to have both matrixes in your fort with 1 live member of your team. special:only body, head, neck, and groin hits kill(loose cloths, arms, and legs are armor plated). a weapon hit is uneffected. when killed, you must lay down all ammo and weapons on you. you must remain still until reapired. to be repaired, a teammate must "carry you"(keep in contact physical with you) to the HQ where you are automaticly repaired(dont even think about picking your weapons and ammo up while your walking away[but your teammate can]). anything goes out side hurting someone. optional:every team has an optimus(leader) who carrys the matrix. he may only be killed by a head shot. ammo from "Cyber Strike" weapons transmit an electric virus that killed on an arm or leg shot(beyond repair)

Combat medic by reed makamson
also even teams of 3 teams of three or better. unlimited arms. one on each team is the combat medic. the medic may not use or carry weapons or ammo. each medic gets 4(or another agreed number) life tokens(i use paper or post-its). whan a soldier is killed, the medic may tear a life token in half and touch the pieces to the soldier to revive him. if a medic is killed, he simply lays down and counts to 20, then may get back up. game ends when all people on one side are dead and that teams medic has no life tokens.

Battle Arena by MisterDogg
This works best if have three people. It should be played inside. This is kind of like that gladiators thing. One person ,who is the boss, is up on a fort or something tall at the end of a skinny type room (not too skinny) and gets a shield to block with. The boss gets the heavy artillerie guns. You bulid 6 barriers on the floor in the room (ex. like three cushions pilled up). The two other people are warriors, and have to go to each barrior (which there will be a gun at) and shoot one dart at the the boss. The warriors get handguns (like the Lock 'n Load) to kill the boss with. There has to be a bunch of ammo at each barrior. You go one warrior at a time. You have to hit him 5 times before killing him. If you kill him you are the next boss. If you get killed in action you have to go back to the begining. You can be hit anywhere in the body to be killed. If you don't hit him 5 times before you get to the end you have to be able to get back to the first barrior without being killed and you go again. This is a game when there is nothing else to do.

Nerf Wars by some guy named Rye
First have teams divide up..usually 2-3 on a team is good. You get to use any of your guns. Basically each team starts at one end of the house . One team gets 2 min to go out and hide or whatever. all decide like 5 hits your dead , or like real life , 1 hit to the head , your dead...that kind of stuff. I like it because I usually have a arrowstorm...the best nergun ever made..can be fired with one arm...and a side arm. So we play ..ammo can be picked up..etc. Its fun because it lasts a while and is always moving. Plus u can Sniper or anyhting you want.
