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My Top 5 List

These are the guns that are the most handy to have around in tight spots. The order doesn't make a difference. They're all awesome!

SuperMaxx 3000

It's combined range and good rate of fire make it an awesome gun. I'd say that it's best all-around gun to have.

SuperMaxx 750

Said to have the most range out of any SuperMaxx, I've nicknamed it the zip gun. Small, light, and deadly, the SM 750 makes an awesome sidearm.


With the best rate of fire out of all Nerf guns, great range, and awesome accuracy ( for a chain weapon ), the Chainblazer makes a great main weapon. It's probably the smallest rapid-fire out there.


A killer sidearm or main weapon when modified. Killer accuracy, great range, and two quick shots make this gun one of my favorites.

SuperMaxx 500

The best sniper around. Nerf finally made an accurate sight for once!
