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Tactics Tips

It's hard to make this kind of a page because every experienced Nerf warrior has pretty much figured everything out in the way of tactics, but I'll try this anyway. This page is divided into different sections to make things easier.


There's two main elements involved in the art of sniping people out. One is aim ( I have no tips but practice for this one ) and the other is finding a good spot to snipe from. The best spots are above or below eyelevel such as on the refrigerator or under a bed. You'd be surprised how often people don't see you in spots like these. Once, I was playing sniper with my little bro and his friend, and I was the sniper. They went outside while I climbed up onto the refrigerator, and when they came in to find me my bro's friend walked right past me without seeing me, and then I executed him with my Sharpshooter 2. Unfortunantly, my brother immeadiatly mowed me down with his Chainblazer, but the point is that his friend or my brother didn't see me. At night with all the lights off, the best spots are in the dark shadows like in closets ( it's impossible to see inside ) and outside it's best to hide in trees ( we're still on night here ). Be still and get behind a big limb to keep from getting spotted. You better have a plan for getting down, because once you shoot everybody will know where you are.

Fighting Snipers

Here's my most helpful tip against going up against good snipers; when you here the noise of a gun being fired, jump out of the way. There's more. Inside a house, whenever you're about to pass corners, reach around them to make sure no one's there. Going into rooms, sneak up, then dive in. Chances are that you'll startle the sniper into firing and he'll probably shoot above you if you stay low.

Plain Old Action

Sorry. There's no solid tips here. You just need to practice and learn on your own.
