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The New Nation

Welcome to The New Nation. This site is a tribute to The Nation. Before the split of The Nation, they were a great faction who had rights to being the first faction of the WWF "Attitude" era. The Nation had some of the best matches of all time during their feud with DeGeneration X.

The Nation was once the Nation of Domination. It was started by Farooq, who has ties to Tammy Lynn Sytch. D'Lo Brown, who himself has had ties to Terri Runnels, was the only member of the New Nation to also be a member of the original Nation of Domination. After a tremendous Nation downsizing, The Godfather (then Kama Mustafa) and The Rock were added to the Nation of Domination. The Rock later added Mark Henry.

On a very memorable Raw the day after WrestleMania XIV, The Rock took control of the Nation of Domination, and they were from then on refered to as just the Nation. The late, great Owen Hart became a co-leader two weeks after In Your House, April 1998. This brought forth the great Nation-DX feud.

This feud was probably the most memorable in WWF history. It, among many other things, gave prestige to the European title (D'Lo held it twice during this time) and had a ladder match that, in my opinion, was better than both Shawn Michaels-Razor Ramon matches.

After the Nation disbanded, each member reached new hights in his career. The Godfather captured the I.C. title and has had great success competing in the Tag division as a member of "Supply & Demand with Val Venis.. D'Lo has recently captured both the European title (becoming the first three-time European champ) and the I.C. title (becoming the first wrestler to hold both titles simutaneously). And finally, The Rock has had three WWF title reigns, been the centerpiece of the McMahon Corporation, and remains a figurehead in the WWF.


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The New Nation Links:

Know Your Role: The Rock's Page
What Tammy Wants...: Tammy Lynn Sytch's Page
Pretty Mean Sister: Terri Runnels' Page
Pimpin' Ain't Easy: The Godfather's Page
You Betta' Recognise: D-Lo's Page
The New Nation Gallery
The New Nation Smackdown
The New Nation T.V Report
The New Nation Favorites Page
The New Nation Fantasy Page
The New Nation Chat
