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Updated April 28 2004
Wrestler First Inducted into
Hall of Fame
Widowmaker 11/10/99
First inducted into the Hall of Fame As Manowar. This Person then Found himself Inducted as Lita Ford. And Then As Widowmaker. He only ever Did One Character that Never Made it. Iron Maiden. His Main Gimmick Was only to do Characters that were the Names of Heavy Metal Bands. The The Metal Powers was only for those Kind of Names. But This Person Is Still With us today. And Still Making his Name into a Legend of the WFS. Simple Amazing to see someone in the Fed Even if it is on and off for 5 Years And Counting
The Rock 03/04/2000
This Person Wrote the book for winning in the WFS as the Rock. Be He did Many more. He Was Kevin Nash,Bret Hart,Chris Jericho,Chyna,Goldberg.The British Bulldog,Triple H and of Course the Rock. Often this Person Was running 4 Characters at the same time. And 2 or three of them having Titles at the Same time. Simply an Amazing roleplayer. He was last in the fed in the Winter of 2004. Yes he Came back this Year as Brock lenser. Who Knows We might see this Legend Return to the WFS
Road Dogg 25/10/2000
This Person is Truely a WFS Legend. He was here like the The Rock and Widowmaker from the First day of the WFS. He is now Doing a Different Character Riot. The WFS Would not have been the Same with out him. I have Watch his Improve from the Early days. Win or lose This Person Never complained and Just enjoyed the Game. If Triple H is the Game of the WWE. Then this Person is the Game of the WFS. He has Been here more in the last 5 years then Anyone else. He hardly ever took any time off. That is Why he is a Legend.

Unlike the Hall of the Fame This Page is for the True Legends of the WFS. This is for The Legends of the Hall of Fame. Making this Page Requires a whole lot more then the Hall of Fame

In the order that they Made the Hall of Fame

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