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The Great Gallery of SPAM-MAIL

Welcome to the Spam gallery.

The page is under construction, and will ALWAYS be, so NEVER expect a finished product. Soon, I will have a large selection of spam mail and other obnoxious goodies you would be able to send to your friends, if It werent for the Disclaimer to be placed on this page.

As for the anti-everthing portion of this page, I am eventually moving the anti pez page from my old website over to this one, this will be done once the new school year has begun and I have a file to save images on, as currently the only access to a computer I have is at an internet cafe. I will also be making other "anti" pages...perhaps an anti richard simmons page or somthing. Im going to be continuing the artist of the month feature I started, but it will be more focused and will feature alternative press artists, and the other artists I admire who deserve recognition. The spam gallery is going to be built mainly on viewer submissions so send me your Ideas or the most unique spams you have obtained and after small alterations I will post it here. No good Idea will be refused. Nothing is too vulgar And credit will be given where credit is due.


You can annoy your friends, and strangers with the contents of this page.Tell everybody how much of an ass you really are!Everbody hates getting spam!

MY RESON FOR LEAVING THE MISERY MACHINE(for those of you who have been there and give a shit) Well after a long ordeal lasting for the majority of my 1998 spring months, I have decided to shut down my first, but not last series of pages. Those of you, (95% of whom were friends and family) who have been to the page gave me mixed reviews, but Still lied and told me that it was a pretty good page.For the frequent visitor of my last page, I will now give reason for the misery machine's downfall.

Allthough the machine may have been a good attempt at a fisrt website, it still sucked. I lacked a regular theme and this was proven most by the contrast beetween the website and the anti pez feature I placed as a self made link. Allthough it was a much needed method of comic relief......I didnt think I should have the need to incorporate any kind of "relief" Into it, as It would be denoting an overkill of one particular theme and i felt the web page would be best if it was a true reflection of my personality, wich had no cosistent theme to it.

The page was also poorly organized, and had nothing special to seperate it from others.

Taking all of these things into account, I have the inspiraztion for a page with all -o- the factors I was lacking.A humorus,yet sickly twisted, presentable (but you still dont want your 10 year old seeing)webpage that I can provide a more general level of entertainment for my visitors.

Links...thus far

The most Disgusting web page I have yet to Encounter.Also my Favorite.*not for the sensitive viewer*(gore gallery)
Also pretty sick.(
Enter the spam gallery's archives.
