My Satellite Experiment..

I have two callsigns.. still working on setting up the other stuff..VE6Jee/p is for Portable Op's in my Jeep..for VHF/UHF..(nice Rover Call. eh!)
I have been Inactive for many years now.. Just starting to get the 'itch again'..(course' it helps when the XYL suggests getting "Back into Ham Radio"....No Wonder I Married Her!..) "Hope You Enjoy.."

OK.. here's how the 'Satellite Thing' Started.. Using a TS-711/811 and an FT-726R..I have tried on numerous occasions to work AO-51, FO-29, VO-52.. but could never hear my downlink! I got E-Mail's from Ham's.. that I was make'n it up to the 'Bird'.... with a 'Great Signal'..but I never heard their Reply' it 'Kinda Works'..!
OK.. so the problem was on the Downlink End!
Easy enough, eh! (or so you think!)
So here is what I put together for my Satellite Attempt..after 25yrs of collecting..(stuff..) and 'probably attempted it on the 'Hottest 2 Days of the Year" !!(and was supposed to be Painting the Window Trim!!)

First Off.. A Kenpro KR-500 for EL.. and a CDE Ham M for AZ.. Both kinda old, but they work! And Hey.. its "Only for the Birds" !! .... ..
Next Off.. we have 2 Lengths of Rotor Cable.. (I think they were both about 80'..) Only needed 6 conducter for the Kenpro(so didn't use 2..) and 8 for the CDE..
My Mounting Assembly.. using the 'Lower Mast Adapter' from an older rotor.. crammed into a Cement Block! "Let's see if it works! (and those are 'Used Rubber Gloves.. in case you had a comment!!) Oh.. and everything was Tested 'On Ground' before 'Initial Climbin' the Ladder Took Place'.. And No Pets were Harmed during this experiment.. ("But I took a Beatin'!)
Oh.. The Rest of the Roof Mounting Assembly..(Anchor Blocks!!)(and the Can of Paint was put there by the XYL as a hint!!) Window Trim needs..
"Are you Going Back up on the Roof Again?"
So after 28 lugs were crimped on the connector ends for the Rotors..(Oh.. the 'Frosty Can of Old Milwaukee' has nothing to do with SWR or ERP.. its for the H-A-M !!)
So after fighting with those 'Ol Rusted U-Bolts" from that Old Rotor..(Bless the guy who invented WD-40!) I realized I had 2 'Stainless Ones' from the Lower Mast Adapter of the previous Rotor.... But 'Too Late Now' (curse.. then have another 'Cold One'..) This better Work!
The 'Almost Finished Product' !! (Now Im'e thinking.. 'I Still Have to haul all this crap to the roof.. Is it gonna work?)
Getting Ready to 'Get R Done'..(Take a Break.. Have another..)
I have to Haul 'All this Crap' up the ladders at +35c!!!(thats like 950 degrees to you Non Metric People..)So here is my way up to the Roof..
XYL wants that Shed Torn Down..(but then I would have to buy a 'Bigger Ladder' to Reach the Roof!..and trust me.. That Shed was built for a guy about 4' Tall!!) Just compare it to the 45g Drum used for a Rain Barrel.. and calculate all the 'Bumps on My Head!) (Take another Break.. )
OK.. so got everything up there after a 'Few Trips'! (quite a few..) Thats my 'Discone' with my 'Specialty Welded Base'..('Ol Farmers Disc(Brick Not Included) for working the Local VHF/UHF FM Stuff.. Too 'Hot'.. going for a break..(I hear CW.. is that the Birds talking to Me!) Better go grab a 'Cold One'..
So here's the project.. 4el on 2M and 7el on 70cm..But just want the 70cm part for the 'Downlink'.. But will it work better than the 'Discone' I was using before.. 'After All that Work'.. gonna rest a bit and have another 'Cold One'! (gotta keep an eye on that fridge.. dont want it to quit during the 'Summer Cold One'.. er.. ColdStrum.. or strumthing like that!)
So the Actual "VE6CPP - VE6Jee/p Satellite System" Does it Work..
So Far... "" NO "" Its Too 'Top Heavy'.. Falls Over at the most 'un-opertune times'! I was gonna install the Elev. Rotor at the Top.. but knew that would be really 'Top Heavy'..
Its fed with you "Big Gun's" know Ime' talkin 'Real Sat. Stuff'..
So you 'Newbies..(make due with what you have and don't be afraid to experiment a little!! For you 'Well Funded, Top Sat Guys..' I hope you enjoyed the pic's and had a 'Gud Laugh'..and a 'Cold One' on me.. p.s. I am Not giving up.. I am just waiting for a suitable AO-51 pass,, and hopefully 'All my Hard Work Prevails'..(and have an excuse for not painting the trim!)
Just think.. For my 'Lil Mickey Mouse' Op' there is probably $500. worth of salvage up there!! "My next task..'Welding a Rotor Plate' to an 'Old 16" Wheel Rim.. maybe that won't 'Tip Over' as easy.. When I swing this set-up from N to S.. the entire house shakes when tips over.. so this ain't gonna work well..scares the Heck outta the XYL and my Dog..
Oh... And By the way..this 'Gud Looking Fella' is my 'Other Best Friend' (XYL is #1)..My Dog.. "Kodi" ..Watching what his 'Crazy Master' is doing thru the entire process..!
He is a Chow-Border Collie Cross.. He follows me where ever I go..(not up the ladder..yet..) 'My Lil Shadow.. Watches the Yard and 'Mommy' when I am at work..
Couldn't Ask for a 'Better Friend'.. (just don't come in the yard when I'me not here..No one can..except Family Members!) 73 to All and hope you enjoyed..
de Jerry VE6CPP VE6Jee/p