LL OOOOOOO RRRRRR DDDD SSSSS 22222 LL OO OO RR RR DD DD SS SS 22 22 LL OO OO RR RR DD DD SS 22 LL OO OO RR RR DD DD SSS 22 LL OO OO RR RR DD DD SSSS 22 LL OO OO RR RRRR DD DD SSSS 22 LL OO OO RRRR RR DD DD SS 22 LL OO OO RR RR DD DD SS SS 22 LLLLLLLLL OOOOOOO RR RR DDDD SSSSS 222222222 Writen by: Liam Roach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Intorduction 2. Taxes 3. Farming 4. armies 5. catsles a)building b)defending c)attaking 6. Contacting 7. Your enemey lords 8. Thanks to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========== Introdution =========== If you see anything wrong in This FAQ please contact me. TNX Feal free to use this in you conquests, however, if you want to put this out publicly please contact me or measures WILL be taken. that's about it. I also plan to make a third vesion in the near future including; unit stats. INJOY :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===== Taxes ===== Evey county hates. And every army loves. It's a vicous circle bettween army and people I find you can use one of these three tax rates: 1)for happness set rates as follows; 100=what your county can handle without losing happyness, 99-0=0% 2)for equil; 100-95=8%, 94-90=7%, 89-85=6%, 84-80=5%, 79-75%=4%, 74-70=3%, 69-65=2%, 64-60=1%, 59-0=0% 3)for cash; 100-90=8%, 89-80=7%, 79-70=6%, 69-60=5%, 59-50=4%, 49-40=3%, 39-30=2%, 29-20=1%, 19-0=0% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======= Farming ======= use eather strategy 1 or 2 depending 1) +for advanced farming+ you will begin with 45 cows or so sell all of them. then buy as much grain as you can and plant as much as you can (leave about half your fields fallow.) 2) +without advanced farming+ it realy dosen't matter what you use, but, I tend to use cows since they feed dairy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====== armies ====== sire your chose of troops includes; archers, crossbowmen, swordsmen, pikemen, macemen, knights, and pethetick little pesants ARCHERS This is a "MUST HAVE" in any army they have the longest range of all troops. they are good at; traps, tricks, seiges, backup, and pissing the enemy off. the one bad point is the lack of melee skill. CROSSBOWMEN "A good addition to an army". on my veiw they are O.K. But they take to long to load and need to be quit close to the enemy to shoot. on the other hand they have good armour and are fine at melee atack SWORDSMEN these are good to have. they are exelent fighters (second only to knights) and are the most balanced unit of the game. and don't cost to much. PIKEMEN The debate if pikemen were good or not was a long one. But I say the are good (just because it is not expensive dose not mean it is not good.) In fact I think they are good hear me out; they are illexpensive, have good defence, and are good at; defending archers, withstaining hits (both prjectile and melee), holding gaps in castle walls, and holding a posistion. the two problems are the slowness and the lack of melee atack. MACEMEN Macemen are a so-so unit they have good speed second only to knights which is perfect for catching archers. on the other hand they suck at defence and are barly trained to use that wepon they call a mace (DUH.) KNIGHTS Knights are the best unit on the feilds. being the; fastest, stongest, most defencive unit in the game. the troubles include; not being able to fill moats, being first to the enemy (and getting killed,) and the single most important reason -dun dun dun dun- they cost so freaking much. PESANTS The wimps of the field (notice th word 'ant') the ONLY good things include; being the best moat fillers, and being cheap (free actually) so only use them in a seige -- and when your desparet -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======= Castles ======= This is a section about guess what (no I think its castles.) castle provide defence for your troops an an obstical to the enemy +++++++++++++++++ building a castle +++++++++++++++++ There are 5 castles (woden palisade, motte and baily, norman keep, stone castle, roal castle) each one has it's goods and bads. Woden Palisade- this is a peice of junk, an army on the feild could defend a county better; +50% tax, barracks for 100 troops use this castle in counties far from borders (only to raise tax) Motte and Baily- This is an ok castle, a medium army on the feild could defend better; +75% tax barracks for 200 troops use close to (not on) borders Norman Keep- Not much of an improvement from a Motte and Baily, a medium army on feild would defend better; +100% tax barracks for 200 troops I would not recomend using a keep for their defeces quickly turn agenst the defender Stone Castle- A good castle, a medium/large army would defend better; +125% tax barracks for 400 troops use on borders (If you can not afford royal castles) Royal Castle- The best defence for a county, an exremly large and very well trained army might defend better; +150 tax barracks for 600 troops use on borders (if you can afford them) ++++++++++++++++++ defending a castle ++++++++++++++++++ I recommed using- 70% archers, 25% pikemen, 5% crossbowmen to defend a castle <:{ (can someone take this helmet off) Woden Palisade- shoot at any archers with yours and shoot a seige wepons with your crossbowmen When and if they get in head for the keep and bunk in placing archers and crossbowmen in the up most part and pikemen at the gate Motte and Baily- shoot at any archers with yours and shoot a seige wepons with your crossbowmen When and if they get in head for the keep and bunk in placing archers and crossbowmen in the up most part and pikemen at the gate Norman Keep- shoot at any archers with yours and shoot a seige wepons with your crossbowmen When and if they get in head for the keep and bunk in placing archers and crossbowmen in the up most part and pikemen at the gate Stone Castle- shoot at any archers with yours and shoot a seige wepons with your crossbowmen When and if they get in head for the turret with the flag and bunk in and hold any gaps in the wall with your pikemen Royal Castle- shoot at any archers with yours and shoot a seige wepons with your crossbowmen When and if they get in head for the keep and bunk in and hold any gaps in the wall with your pikemen ++++++++++++++++++ Attacking a castle ++++++++++++++++++ I recomend using- 70% archers, 20% pikemen, 10% pesants (if there is a moat if not make 10% more pikemen Woden Palisade- +1 battering ram batter down the gates and CHARGE Motte and Baily- +1 battering ram batter down the gates and CHARGE Norman Keep- +1 battering ram batter down the gates and CHARGE Stone Castle- +4 catapults move all you troops out of "AFR" (archer firing range) use your four cataputs to take out a coner turret (if the archers in the turret leave skip to -use all troops...) use your archers to take out the archers still in the turret use all you troops to fill the moat in the corner (make sure to stay out of ATR) tell your melee units to break throgh to the turret while your archers and crossbowmen get on a turret and rain hell on those in the turret. if your melees get in and get the flag your done. if not just let hell keep raining from your archers and crossbowmen Royal Castle- +4 catapults move all you troops out of "AFR" (archer firing range) use your four cataputs to take out a coner turret (if the archers in the turret leave skip to use all troops...) use your archers to take out the archers still in the turret use all you troops to fill the moat in the corner (make sure to stay out of ATR) tell your melee units to break open the keep dorr while your archers and crossbowmen get on a turret and rain hell on those in the keep. if your melees get in go for the flag. if not just let hell kepp raining from your archers and crossbowmen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ Your enemies ============ meet you doom (psssssss) like it's gonin' to be you. I find this chart works for me but not all versions The Baron- this lord is probabaly the best to ally with, he nomaly atacks when you ask him to and is most unlikly to turn back on you. his millitry skill is good making well traind troops and putting stone castles in most of his territories The Countess- This lord is fair to ally with, not alwas will she attack on order but will alwas attack if you pay her, probabalywon't turn agenst you. her armies may discourage you being three persons big but there mostly made of peasants. she also relies on a motte and baily for defence The Bishop- the most unbaleced leader hiding behind the alter then standing on top when he is ready. don't ally with him he will simply say God told him not to. his armies are fairluy balanced The Knight- This lord is a pain in the @$$ he never allies with you (if he does it won't last long) and he knows nothing agout polotics; he just shows of on the feilds. so to some up this peice of $#!+ his armies are half trained and he uses paliceds for defence.(note: he is good at using them) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========== contacting ========== If you have any questions or comments with this FAQ please contact me at openwings@cyberus.ca (include for LIAM ONLY in the subject) full credit given for giving me info and corecting mistakes. TNX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========= Thanks to ========= MANUEL RODRIGUEZ at www.lords2.com YOSHI RONDIEL for telling me a stone castle can hold 400 troops