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The following is from Sarah

I won tickets to go to The Lit-No Doubt concert. And since I won the tickets I thought it was a pretty good concert, although the local paper gave it bad reviews. The crowd for the concert was very very small, but I enjoyed that since I got to get closer to the stage in the mosh pit. I allowed myself to sit through black eyed peas and then Lit came on and everyone went insane, it was all going great, until some guy in the mosh pit was body surfing and someone didn't grab him, so he fell and hurt his back. So they had to stop playing for like 20 minutes or so just so they could get the guy out of there. And then it had taken so long to get the guy ou that they had to clear the stage for No Doubt. Which pissed a lot of people off! But all in all I loved the concert. :)

The following is from punk rawk girl

I went to the July 20, 2000 show in Vancouver BC at the Plaza of Nations. It was No Doubt, and Black Eyed Peas and Lit supporting (which, I wish No Doubt opening and Lit headlining...Grrr). For the most part, Black Eyed Peas sucked, but it wasn't Too bad I suppose. But, right when they got off, my friends and I rushed into the pit for Lit. Finally, they came out and everyone went CRAZY! I actually made my way up to the 3rd row in the pit (which was going psycho), and snapping pictures away! I can't remember the set list of the show, but Over My Head was AMAZING...that has to be my favourite song live! They played Ziplock, Miserable, and heaps more!! I'm really tired still from the pit, so I can't write anymore!! But, they'll be coming back FOR SURE!!!

The following is from Annie

for my birthday, my friend just told me that she'd gotten me concert tix but not who was playing, and so when we got to the fleetboston pavillion and i saw the sign that said who was playing--no doubt and lit, my 2 favorite bands EVERRRRR!!!!!-- i was soooo exciting. ok, the first band (black eyed peas) weren't very good but when lit came on the place blew up!! all 5000 people were on their feet! i don't remember what they played (i was too busy staring at a. jay when he took off his shirt. . .) but i know it was good. and then when no doubt came on, they played the best set ever!!!! the finale was sooo cool because all the guys from lit came out w/ the black eyed peas, and they sang spiderwebs together, and gwen and jeremy and a. jay all took pix together on stage, it was amazing! i was so tired from dancing and i lost my voice from shouting, but it was the best bday present ever, and i just know that lit played so well just for me!

The following is from Brent

I went to see Lit on June 29th at the IC Light Ampitheatre in Pittsburgh, and the show was on da hook! It was the second time I've seen them perform. I saw them at the fall Campus Invasion with Garbage and they..... of course kicked ass. I saw them most recently with No Doubt and they kicked ass again. Lit always kicks ass. I was standing about 5 rows back from the stage. The Black Eyed Peas were the first act. They were ok, but this one dude can do some kick ass break-dancing. After they walked of the stage the crew took their stuff and prepared Lit's equipment. They couldn't get the foot pedals for Jeremy's guitar hooked up. I was like getting so anxious because it took them so long to get the damn thing working. After a 15 minute delay, they were finally ready. Lit came out and started the song "Four." It's an awesome song. They played 8 more songs after that including the new song from the Titan A.E. Soundtrack "Over My Head." After every song, Jeremy would throw a guitar pick into the crowd. I was so pissed off I didn't get one. But of course the person in front of me did. At one point AJay was like like "everybody say fuck you." So everyone said it, and I threw up the bird. Jeremy saw me and pointed at me and gave me the thumbs up. So that was pretty damn cool. I'm yet to meet Lit in person but the day that I meet the greatest band in the damn world will be the day i can die a "happy" man. LIT KIX ASS!!!

The following is from Heather

I saw them on 6-29-00 at the I.C. Light Amphitheatre in Pittsburgh, PA. It was my first real concert and I'm so glad that it got to be Lit and No Doubt. Black Eyed Peas sucked, no one really got into them. But when they were done everyone started chanting "Lit, Lit, Lit". It was great. And then Lit came out and every1 went nuts! They were so awesome! A.Jay is just like a ball of energy or something. And the blue streaks in his hair look soooo hot! I can't remember exactly all the songs they played, but I know they played Four, Down, No Big Thing, Quicksand, Ziploc, Over My Head, A Place in the Sun, and My Own Worst Enemy. They might have played more, but I am not sure. And then No Doubt came out and they really rocked the place! I couldn't believe how great they were. Everyone was singin and stuff it was great. And Gwen said that Pittsburgh is a pretty city which is true. Then on the last song, which was Spiderwebs, Lit and Black Eyed Peas came out to sing it with them. It was so kewl! A.Jay was playing the trombone and Allen was playing the drums with Adrian. Arian was wearing this like naked costume and it had breasts on it. It was hilarious. And Jeremy was licking the nipples on them and stuff. And Jeremy and Tom stood next to each other and played their guitars. It was great. That concert was a great experience for me

The following is from Shannon

review of San Joaquin Fair:
it was amazing! There was so much energy--i loved the fact that everyone was there to see Lit and Lit alone! :) My friend and i (only two of us--the rest of our group went to BFD) were there way early, and we watched soundcheck and everything from the fence by the side exit. I was so excited the whole time we were in line! We got in the 3rd row, center left (Jeremy's side!) They were great seats--i liked having chairs to stand on instead of just standing and getting crushed by everyone around you! Oh, and before the show started I was talking to a friend of Lit's named Steve. He was really cool--we were just talking about how Lit is so cool to their fans and everything, and how they do such great live shows. He was really nice! :) The show was so amazing!!! They played (in no particular order) four, down, happy, MOWE, miserable, ziplock, perfect one, bitter, over my head, lovely day, and more (i know i'm forgetting a few songs). AJay and Jer both saw the posters my friend and I made, and Jeremy said "Everyone here is so nice--especially that girl right there!" (he pointed at me, cause i was holding a poster) That was pretty cool. One really funny part was when Jeremy used a vibrator to play the guitar. I was cracking up! he did that at Maritime, too-- i have a close up pic of him with it (we were so close we could touch him at the Maritime show!) Afterwards, we hung around until we were kicked out by the guards, and even then we stood at the exit. One guard came up and told us that Lit was around the back, so we went through the barns and got around to the back fence! AJay and Kev were signing, and posing with cows and stuff. That was cute! (It was a fair, ya know!) AJay and kevin signed a picture i had of us with them, and AJay signed my shirt through the fence! He thought my shirt was pretty funny--it had his mugshot on it! (my friends and i made lit shirts on a t-shirt machine) Ok--now i'm at the most amazing part! :) This is sooo cool! Ok- quick background--every show we go to, my friends and i write letters to lit. every letter i write, i say that my dream in life is to kiss AJay's stained tattoo. Ok, so while AJay was signing, i said "AJay, can i kiss your stained tattoo?" He was like, "You're the one who wants to do that!" I said, "Yea, I'm the one!" So, some people gave him kisses on the cheek and stuff, and then he said "Go for it!" He put his stomach up against the fence and I KISSED AJAY'S STAINED TATTOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE! :) :) :) Anyway, sorry that was long, but i could talk for hours about lit! :) bye guys! LIT RULES!!!!

The following is from Kristin

review of Del Mar Fair:
my friend and i decided to buy tickets so we could definitely tape the show...they were pretty good seats...we were walking around the pit area for a while before...it was the best concert of theirs i've been to in a while...(only in a while, but better than the others. lol) around 5:30 we bought our tix instead of waiting in line and went to the infield behind the stage so we could try to see if there'd be any way to get by the backdoor or backstage (no luck apparently) but we saw the guyz arrive and standing around the vans and talking and stuff...i was with a more docile friend, otherwise i would've been jumping up and down screaming and flaling my arms to get A.Jay's attention. lol..but they were looking at us gawking at them from across the field. so it's all good.... 34 below wasn't good at all...but better than the dickies (who opened before LIT at the offspring concert last year)...they played "over my head" and "money" and had to do lots of sound checking as they played the show cuz they came straight from the weenie roast (anyone who went, please let us know how it was) and didn't have time beforehand...it was funny. so there was lots of dialogue and stuff...the crowd was more violent than they've been in the past...before anyone even came on stage they were throwing anything they could find...during the beginning of the show someone threw a phone (fake or real, i dunno) and A.Jay says something to the effect of "thanks for the phone, you almost broke my skull"...and during "a place in the sun" (the last song) he started to climb the structure of the stage...the music was great, the vocals were awesome, the performing was fun... anyways...it was a kick ass show and i can't wait until august when i see them with no doubt.

The following is from Yvonne

Well my name is Rachel and i live in Il and i work at the concert hall in town and my boss and everyone was telling me that Lit was going to be there and i was sooo happy!! I love that band more than anything!! So i was in the front for 22 jacks and save farris * which i would like to add they kicked ass* Ok..so im in the all time best mood ever!! and then my boss comes up and told me that the load out guy wanted to talk to me...so i walk around the building to the back door and i walk in and there is Lit on stage...i about died :o) So i asked him what he wanted and he told me he just wanted me to be able to watch the show from backstage and had a place for me to chill and everything..so i was sitting on this speaker with some guy who worked for 22 jacks and we were talking..and he gave me a Lit lighter! So they get done playin and they walk by..and by this time im in tears just b.c the band means soo much to me and at this time i had never met them. So after the show and everyone starts to leave they "give" me to Moondog to help get all of the stuff but up..well i walk this thing up the ramp and a guy i work with is talking to one of the guys who work for Lit about me maybe getting to meet them! So i go back down to the stage and i am getting some cord thing rolled up and all of a sudden i hear "where is Rachel" "can anyone tell me who Rachel is" so i look up and here comes Kevin walking down the ramp..i dropped the cord and my chin hit the floor and he comes up and gave me a hugeeeeee hug *which i about died in his arms :o)* so we walk over to the side and we are talking..and im cryin a bit telling him how much him and they band means to me and so i ask him for a pic and he said yes..so we are standing there about ready to get our pic taken and he took off his hat and put it on me and then got another one with him in his hat. So he tells me to just chill there b.c he wants me to be able to meet the other guys..so at this point the guy who is in charge of load in tells me just to chill and the this night is all about me..so i walk down to get something for him at the bar and i walk back and Kevin is out there and stops me and is talking to me and some other guy from 22 jacks is there talking to me...so he asks me if im ready to go meet the guys..so i go get all my stuff and he walks me to the bus..and he gets in and stupid me stands there like im dumb and he tells me to come up...and i walked up there and kind poke my head around the wall thing and he was like "everyone this is Rachel" and they tell me to come in and Jeremy pats a place for me to sit next to him..and i was chillin with them for a bit waiting to AJay to come back and while doing that i got my pic taken with all the guys and they signed the floor list of songs my broken drum stick they gave me a shirt i got a pic from Kevins bass then AJay walks in signs all my stuff i got a pic with him and then a group pic :o) and they all gave me a hug by and told me they were glad they met me...that was the best night of my life!! Working at a concert hall you meet cool people...but nothing will EVER top this night....

The following is from Isabel

i got up at 7:30 thursday morning....what was i thinking? made it to my first two classes and then started getting organized for the trip.....my roommate had lab til around 3, so we ended up leafing around 3:45, not 2 as we planned. we got to dc alright but.....we got completely and totally lost. after about two hours of driving around every part of dc except where we needed to be, we asked a policeman who told us exactly where to go :) so we got there around 6:30, saw kelli (my best friend) and had a little shrieky reunion (i hadn't seen her since january), got the tickets....kelli told me she was worried cos she couldn't find me (i was supposed to be there before her), she thought i was inside the club with them, and then she saw lit leaf but ajay took longer so she thought i had him tied up or something, lmao. saw feather chick, rachel, mike, etc...finally got inside, and headed straight for the pit....wow....good charlotte rocked (joel: "i love women. that's all i'm saying."), and they were sooooo hot ;) hehe...these two chicks that came up to my room when fuel visited were in the pit near us and they recognized me...22 jacks came on and rocked...waited another hour for lit to set up, but it was definitely worth it....they had some probs with kev's bass in the middle of four so he had to borrow 22 jacks', while they were fixing the bass troubles, jer told jokes and i held up my sign for kev and jer said "you love mexican rapists...i don't get it" and he was semi-confused for a sec but then i pointed at kev and he was like, "oh, yeah, kev's the mexican rapist", hehe....they picked up right where they left off (the middle of four)...can't remember the order of the set but they did play cadillac, chain of fools, and money, along with apits, four, down, miserable, quicksand, *zzziplock*, mowe, bitter, and lovely day :) the pit was terrible, this one huge dude said he'd protect me, but then he ended up moving in and getting in front of me...grr. but it was fun...i got the most adorable baby tee you will ever see....black, with a glittery heart that says "i love lit" in the style of the "i love lucy" logo...so we left the club and hung out in front, i talked to bridget and rachel and mike and whoever else they were with, they knew me from the gb too so that was sorta kool...waited, waited, waited for lit to come out....good charlotte came out, we got sigs and pics (the one with joel, the *hot* lead singer is sooo funnty), and hugs and talked to them (they're all underage hehe, but "almost 21")...mrrrrowwww. hung out some more...got really cold, my roommates went to wait in their car, kelli and i hung with bridget's crew, warmed up in their car...watched for tourbus action, saw moondog and went over to talk to him, he still remembers me, and was happy to see me again, and he told me that jill and kristi said hey, which was kool....went over to the club

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