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Just so you all know, i have a new webpage. This is mine, yes. But i have a new one which i use now so please click on this link to go back to My PaGe Thanks!!! ~*DaL*~

LiLaNgeL'S pLaCe

~*LiLaNgeL's InFo*~

HeY, WeLcoMe To My LiL pLaCe On thE NeT. It's NoT MuCh YeT BuT As TiMe GoEz By I WiLL AdD mOrE StUfF. tO TeLL YoU tHe TrUtH tHiS Is ThE FiRsT PaGe I hAvE EvEr MaDe..sO Don'T BE ToO HaRsH On Me. UhHHhHh I'm 18, FrOm aLbErTa CaNaDa ((bESt CoUnTrY iN tHe WorLd)) i'M In CoLLeGe TaKiNg InTeRiOr DeSiGn AnD I LoVe iT! i LiKe To pLaY anD WaTcH HoCkEy, pLaY anD wAtCh VoLLeYbaLL...OOyEaH AnD I FiGuReSkAtEd FoR 14 YeArS bUt WhOz CoUnTiNg. I LiKe aLL kInDs Of MuSiC BuT MoStLy RaP...SuCh As..LaUrYn HiLL, DMX, MaSe, OuTkAsT, EmInEm, AnD BuT OfCoURSe MyStiKaL ((It AiNt My FauLt DId i dO thAt))<---JuSt FoR U bAbY (u KnOw wHo U R BaBy) HEheEHhe..*gRIn* AnYwaYs, I Don'T HaVe A PiC Up YeT buT I aM 5'7" 125 LbS, LiGhT bRoWn HaIr/bLonDe HiGhLigHtS, bLuE eyEz!! i'M A CuTiE! heHEhEH tOO BaD *LoL* iAm NoT SiNgLe *LoL* I GoT MySeLf An AwEsOmE mAn~*DaL~n~TaY~4EvA~*LoVe Ya BaBy!!

KiX AsS!! *ScReAmZ* WoOoO HOoOo

CliCK On ThE LiNK BeLoW To gO DiReCtLy To My NEW DeTrOit ReD WinGz HomEpAGe...Itz GoT LOtzO CooL StuFF So Go CheCK IT OUt *hugZ* thANkz

WhAt I dO BeSt *LoL*

WeLL WhAt Do I dO bEsT?!? WeLL i LiKe To SpeNd TiMe WiTh My RoOmAtE AnG AnD My FrIeNd's OnLiNe, AnD OfF. I LiKe MuSiC aNd JuSt HaNgIn OuT SOmEtimEz JuSt DoiNg NoThINg. LeT Me JuSt SaY ThAt Us CaNaDiAnS ReaLLy KnOw HoW To PaRtY!! AnG AnD I Go To ThE BaR QuItE A BiT, AnD We AlWaYs MaNaGe To HaVe A GreAt TiMe...So I'm PrEtTy FuN To HaNg ArOunD WiTh *LoL* I caN'T FoRgEt SPoRtZ WhiCh ToOk uP a BIg ChUnK oF mY liFe ~*HoCkEy KiX AzZ*~ *LoL* Ok I DunNo WhAt eLse To SaY HeRe BuT...LeTz GeT DrUnK!?!?!*rOfL*

LiL ChUnK Of My OnLiNe FaM

AnG ~MaH ROoMaTe~n~beStFrIeNd
TaViOuS ~MaH SeXy MaN *KiSs*
JeSSiCa ~MaH PaRtNeR iN CrImE
BrAnDoN ~MaH BrO *hugZ*
PeG ~MaH CrAzY gUrL *LoL@uGuRL*
CoUrTyPoOh ~U kNoW WhO U r gUrL *huGz*
JaY ~MaH YaHoO ShIt TaLkEr FriEnD (RuDyPoOhCaNdYaSs)*LoL*

FaV pLaCeZ oN ThE NeT

gURL..pLaCe 4 gURLz
MaH YaHoO FrIenDz PaGe *GrIn* itZ UnDeR MaJor CoNstRuCTioN So DoN'T YeLL At mE Ok *SmIleZ*
MuCh MuSiC ~*FuN SiTe*~
TSN SpOrtZ gEt aLL tHe SpoRtZ ScOreZ ~*kIcK AzZ*~
AnG'S WeBpAgE HeEHe *hugZ*
ChelZ's WebSiTe *hugZ*~*cUtE PaGe*~
KarLaNa's (coUrtjEsTer96) WeBpAge ~*hugZ*~
MaRLeNaZ HoMePaGe HEhEh WOO HOO ~*hugZ*~
JeSsIcaS HoMepAge ~*hugZ*~
SmoKeY's HoMePaGe *LaFfZ*
MeL'S PaGe *hugz*
AsHleE'S PaGe *hugZ* my FeLLoW CaAdIaN!
KeViN's PaGe ~*hIs PaGe Of PlOP~* *LoL*
PaULa'S HoMePaGe *hugZ*

LiLaNgeL's OtHeR PaGeZ

~*My FrIeNdz PaGe*~
~*My AuStIn316 PaGe**~*LaFFz*
~*My QuOteZ PaGe*~ ThIs Is KiNda CuTe
~*My DeTrOiT ReD WiNgS PaGe*~ ThIs PaGe KiCkZ aSS

If any of you have a homepage or plan on making one, I have a few urlz, ideaz and stuff for you. Ann-a-thesia's graphics and just everything she has there are just gorgeous. I spent like an hour there just looking. I don't have anything of hers on here yet but trust me I will. And her site is HUGE!! Nothing bad about it...and itz free!! PuRP's wOrLd was a good site epsecially if you don't know little to anything about html. There is a html help guide right there on the page. I highly suggest you check that out. By Designis all a good site, by far one of the best i've seen. They have awesome backgrounds and animations. I also suggest you check that out =) The buttons below will take you there..thanx

FoR sOme REaLLy CooL MuSiC Off ThE InTeRnEt DisCjOkEy.CoM Is The BeST..WhEthEr YoU haVe ReAL pLayEr G2 Or NoT YoU cAn GeT thAT At ThE SiTe, BuT I LiSteN ToO It AlL ThE TiMe. ThEY HaVe EvErY KiND Of MuSiC YoU CaN thInK Of TheRe aLL OnLinE AnD FreE. ThE LiNk BeLow IS WhAt YoU waNNa CliCk On...TrUsT mE YoU Won'T ReGreT iT!!!!

DiscJockey.Com DiscPlayer

LoVe YaHoO GaMez~~HaTe YahOO GaMEz
ArE YoU SiCk Of ThE BS GoInG On In SoCiAL LounGe OnE In YAhOO GaMeZ??

YeS I'M ToTaLLy SiCk Of It
GeTz On My NeRveZ MoSt Of ThE TiMe
SoMeTiMez AnNoYinG
DoN't BoThEr Me
No, I LoVe iT

Current Results

DoN'T FoRgEt To E~MaiL Me At


ThAnX A LoT FoR StOpPiN bYe GuyZ LoVe Ya LotZo ~**huGz tO MaH FaM**~

DoN'T FoRgEt tO SiGn MaH gUeStBoOk PeEpZ =)

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

This book is cool too, you can add pictures, fonts, colors, anything you like using HTML. If you have time, sign both. They're both long as you sign at least one i'm happy..just thought i'd give you a lil bit of choice...which is good i suppose..hehe *S*

SiGn My GuEsTbOOk pLeAsE

This book is more for fun, silly questions for you to answer..stuff like that.

I jUsT wAnNa giVe A SpEcAiL SHoUt OuT To ChelZ. WiThOuT HeR HelP I wOuLd HaVe No GrApHiCz, NoThIn....So ThaNk YoU ChelZ *hugZ* You aRe A GrEaT FriEnD!! ~*BiGhUgZ*~