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~~* Me *~~

Name:  Dana Goess

Birthdate:  November 11,1983

Music:    Rock, Jam Bands, Folk, Bluegrass, Celtic, New Age,

African Drumming, Musicals, Indian


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Music is my way of perception...anything can be expressed through music.

I play a variety of instruments...guitar, african drums, international flutes,

and im going to learn to play the didjeridoo.  I love the earthy sounding

instruments, although thats not all im bound to.  I'm also in the school

concert band, symphonic band, colorguard, and clarinet choir.  I play

practically the whole family of clarinets, Bb clarinet, bass clarinet,

alto clarinet, contra-alto clarinet.


I love to just sit and play my guitar, although im not great (yet).

When i play im just in my own little world.  I put my feelings

into the sound of the guitar.  Sometimes i write words along, and

sometimes i just jam.  When i write music i feel as if im drawing a

picture of my soul.



Grateful Dead, The Doors, PHiSH, Jewel, R.E.M.,

The Beatles, Cat Stevens, Counting Crows, Stevie Nicks, Indigo Girls,

Sarah McLachlan, Yes, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Jefferson Airplane,

Loreena Mckennit, Rusted Root, moe., Loggins & Messina,

Dave Mathews Band, Billy Joel, The Mamas and Papas, Cream, Enya,

Enigma, Gaelic Storm, String Cheese Incident, ekoostik hookah, Disco Biscuits


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Well...besides music, i still have *plenty* more hobbies...


i love taking everywhere i go!


im also into sewing...i make great flowy skirts and dresses for dancing

my booty off, i also make shirts, purses, patchie-sided pants,

and well, anything that happens to come to my mind.


i also like to draw and paint...although its not the society's form

of pretty, but i think its awsome...i love living in my own

positive little reality of expression.


i am a very natural down to earth person.  i absolutely *love*

to be outdoors....i feel so incredible.  I can't actually explain

the feeling, but i belong and everything surrounding me whispers

it in my ears.  


my favorite flower is the daisy :c)


i also love dancin...but not like that ucky clubbin stuffs,i like to feel

the music and let your body  move to the the

hippie thang..ya know?


i love music and peace festivals..i cant wait till this summer, im

gonna go to as many as i can.  I also want to go to alot of

drum circles, so if anyone who is readin this is from long island, or

nearby...please email with sum info on drum circles...thanx.


So far the concerts i plan on

seeing are PHiSH, Counting Crows, Indigo Girls, and a bunch more.

The festivals i have planend are, reunion at Yasgur farm and Gathering onthe Mountain


I also have been studying and practicing wicca for about 5 years now.

I strongly believe.  It feels like i've aquired so much knowledge

in 5 years.


Making cheesy movies, is also another one of my wacky crazy

characteristics...what can i a ham...i love to be in front of

the camera acting and dancing..hehehe!


I also like to read alot, like   books on jerry and jim morrison.  

But especially books on new age, nature, and wicca.  I also

love readin about hte 60's and activism.


Besides readin other stuff, i like to write alot too.  I create lots

n lots of fun decorated books and fill em with all sorts of stuff i like to

write about.  Like i have one big book with random stuff.  I like to write

poetry, short symbolic stories.  I like to draw in them.  I like to write

my music in them.  I like to just express myself through books too i guess.

I have alot of ways of expressing myself, but i guess that's why i've

become a very very open person.


I am a very happy person most of the time because i am 200% comfortable with who

i am and what im about. If others dont want to accept who i am,

then they most likely have their own issues to deal with, or they

are just to close minded to see.  Sometimes it may appear as if i am

conceited, but im just happy with who i am, and i wish that everyone

in the world too could be happy with who they are.  I am also a very

honest person who can be trusted with anything.  I think that its a

good quality because i can just flat-out tell you what is on my mind.

Id rather speak of the truth than not speak at all.




I have sum very awsome friends!  A few id like to say hi to are:

Kristen....yes cheesy movies!  haha!

Gail..lil miss frog, or should i say bafiki..haha..i loves you!

Hey Sammy!  Music is our way of life!!!  Where's the sauce??

I also wanna say hi to all my guard gurlies!



