Kirstanya Online

About Kirstanya:
Kirstanya is actually two people- Kirsten and Tanya. We write a column called Sex with Kirstanya every two weeks for The Lighthouse In it we have top ten lists of really bad pickup lines, and we also answer questions about STDs, fetishes, and other sexual issues. Sex with Kirstanya- The Column
Our qualifications:
We get our information from classes we have taken, like Human Sexuality, Physiology, Abnormal Psychology, as well as practical knowledge we've accumulated from years of sex ed in school and reading Cosmo! We also consult Peer Health Educators, and library resources when we get stumped.
All pickup lines are original material or given to us by readers and friends.

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Check out these Really Cool Links:
Tanya's sister's buffy page
Our friend Scott's homepage

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This Page is Currently Under Construction
Coming soon:
Questions and answers, plus directory and copies of our advice column- Sex with Kirstanya!
Also a link to our company- Imagine Kirstanya- we make student cookbooks. Thanks for visiting, come back soon!