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Social Worker's Page

Are you interested in Social Work? Social Work is necessary in our quality of life. I wrote a paper in my class entitled Japanese Elderly Welfare. This paper represents the current situation of welfare and an idea for the future of welfare in Japan. You may be interested in Japanese welfare, so I hope my research may help you to understand this interesting issue. The following sites are helpful for social workers. If you have any questions for me, send me an email. I'd like to answer your questions!


  • American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work - committed to setting and upholding national practice standards.
  • Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work - voluntary, national charitable association of university faculties, schools and departments offering professional education in social work at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels.
  • Consortium - Russian social work organization working in the areas of psychology, sociology, social work. In Russian and English.
  • Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) - accredits baccalaureate and master's degree programs in social work in the United States. General information on social work education and services for social work educators.
  • Family Policy Council of Washington State
  • Ohio Welfare Conference - all volunteer organization that provides a forum for addressing the problems and methods associated with human services fields.
  • QInet - a quality improvement network for information gathering, best practice review and identifying systemic issues in the child welfare field.
  • Social Work Student Organization - University of Wisconsin at Whitewater - provide social work students with volunteer, leadership, and educational opportunities.
  • Thailand National Council on Social Welfare - provides social welfare services, including counseling, legal advice, and financial assistance. Also helps formulate policy and development programs.
  • Journals

  • Advocate's Forum - social work journal run by the students of the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration.
  • Child Maltreatment: Journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
  • Journal of Children and Poverty - offering research and policy initiatives in education, social services, public policy, and welfare reform.
  • Journal of Poverty - interdisciplinary social science journal devoted to progressive articles (empirical, theoretical, action) about poverty and inequality.
  • Social Service Review - committed to an examination of social welfare practice and its effects. Subscription information, advertising rates and tables of contents are available.
  • General Welfare

    Child Welfare


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