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The Govan Family Tree

Also Incorporating the following Names:

Barrett, Biggar, Birnie, Boar, Burton, Cairns, Clark, Cook, Copeland, Day, Dickins, Drew, Duthie, Eckley, Forde, Fordyce, Gilbert, Greene, Hamilton, Hardgraves, Harrower, Hearn, Henderson, Holland, Horan, Huch, King, Lane, Logan, Massey, Maxwell, Meldrum, Mills, Moore, Morrison, Newey, Nicholson, Pettigrew, Rayer, Rice, Roberts, Shewan, Stoker, Thompson, Thomson, Turner, Walsh, Walter, Weidehose, Zendler


I have attempted to list all direct ancestor surnames that I am researching.

These are listed in the country of origin.

Names will also appear under Australia, if that person migrated to Australia.


 Please browse and contact me if there are any names in common with your family.

 Have you seen any names of interest?

 I have listed the full details now at Rootsweb.

 Please visit there and look for the 'jamesgovan' family tree database for a more acurate listing of people, dates and places.


jamesgovan databse



Last Updated 05 April 2003