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Brigand Space Naval Assault Robot

Throughout the history of naval combat, pirates of the high seas discovered that to capture a ship, one must first subdue the ship. Combat would rage, cannons would roar and the gunsmoke would settle on the decks as blades clashed and blood spilled.

As technology evolved, more and more defensive measures came forward to combat the challenge of piracy.

Time passes, one thing certain, and soon the naval captains of old are replaced by space naval admirals traveling across space as the wooden galleons before them had sailed the vast oceans.

Piracy attempts became space naval battles; victories based upon ones firepower and number of vessels he commanded. The losses, not to mention the cost, resulting from these attempts dampened the pirates will to continue in this profession. Precious cargo and loot were lost as punctured hulls could no longer protect the vessels precious interior and they would buckle and break apart as the vacuum of empty space would take its toll. The pirates found it difficult to execute a hasty "hit and run" when they had to chase their loot through space.

It seemed as though piracy was a tradition becoming extinct, that is, until the "Brigand" emerged.

Built by an unknown industry and capable of "jumping" in space from ship to ship, the first 9 brigands appeared aboard the transport vessel Malikcantros during the famous "Tolbren Heist". The exact number of brigands that currently exist is unknown, but one thing is certain, their transport is painfully concealed.

Brigands are capable of a sudden surgical strike upon a space naval vessel, breeching hatches and bay doors (areas known to have airlocks) with much more precision then a destroyers laser turrets could hope to achieve. One pirate group's tactics called for its brigand to enter a vessel and dispatch its 2 commandos who were stowed within the infamous "coffin". These commandos, while under support of the brigand, would kill or capture the vessels crew, then locate the cargo holds. If the loot proved to be too bulky, or the amount too large, they would simply take the entire vessel!

Brigands often operate in a squad of no more than 4, however, it is rumored that one pirate group possesses an entire company .

Should the deal go "sour", or once the vessel has been stripped of its valuables, brigands often drop their pods on the way out. These pods usually a high explosive charge. Since the interiors of vessels are usually SDC, they are either completely destroyed or severly damaged.

Unfortunately for brigand pilots, due to the cost of building a brigand, cutbacks had to be made, hence the lack of protective armoring.

Model: A1
Class: Space Naval Assault Robot
Crew: One (pilot)
Troop Payload: Up to two people can squeeze into the "coffin".
M.D.C by location:

Sensor array (front) - 80
Hand (1) - 20 each
Arms (2) - 100 each
Legs (2) - 150 each
Feet (2) - 60 each
Searchlight (right of head) - 2
View-ports (one in chest, two on "coffin") - 10 each
Light Particle cannon - 150
Main body - 275
Reinforced. pilots compartment - 50
External cargo Bay (the "coffin") - 85
Anti-structural claw - 60
Thrust-jet pack - 120
Particle cannon mounting brackets(2) - 10 each
Tail (1) - 80
Pod (1) - 45
Cargo boxes (one per leg) - 20 each


Running: 60 mph maximum ( a bit difficult to do in zero-G, though)
Leaping: The robot can leap 15 ft , or 25 feet from a running start
Flying: The thrust-jet pack give the robot the ability to fly 1340 mph while in space (atmospheric flight is not possible), furthermore, based on the power source, its range is limited only by the pilots means of survival.

Statistical data

Height: 20 ft
Width: 12 ft
Length: 8 ft
Weight: 13 tons
Physical strength: Equal to a P.S. of 40
Cargo: 3'x3'x7' area in "coffin"
Powersystem: Traction generator ( A what?) powers the robot, the generator having a life-span of 20 years before needing replaced.
Blackmarket cost: left arm, right leg, and firstborn child

Weapon systems

1. Light Particle cannon (1): This weapon is usually only found on fighter vessels. The cannon has been converted into a rifle form that feeds off of the robots power source. During storage the cannon can be mounted on brackets located on the right side of the robot.

Primary purpose: Anti-door or hull structure.
Secondary purpose: Defense
Range: 5500m
Rate of Fire: 4 blasts per melee round
Payload: unlimited
M.D.: 2d4x10 per blast

2. Tail Pod

Primary purpose: Demolition
Secondary purpose: Early retirement
Mega-damage: 6d6x10 (HE pod)

Note: The brigand model A1 has extremely limited weapon systems

3. Hand-to-Hand Combat:

Restrained punch - 5d6 S.D.C.
Full strength punch - 1d6 M.D.
Power punch - 2d6 M.D. (counts as two melee attacks)
Crush, Pry, Tear - 1d4 M.D.
Kick - 2d6 M.D.
Leap Kick - 4d6 M.D. (counts as two melee attacks)
Body Flip/Throw - 1d4 M.D.
Body Block/Tackle - 1d6 M.D.
Flying Body Block/Tackle - 4d6 M.D.(causes 1/2 dmg to brigand)
+5 on initiative
+4 to strike
+3 to parry
+3 to dodge
+2 to roll with impact
+2 to pull punch
+1 melee action at 2,3,7,and 11

4. Sensor notes: If you think it needs it, its probably does. The factory version is so limited its pathetic, therefore, most groups rip the factory sensors out and insert their own, so, brigands often have an extremely impressive sensor array. Customized with the works.

Brigand designed by S. Parker