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Welcome to the dchelp trivia section. You require a browser that can use javascript and a brain.

Well that takes care of one of the required things. Do you have the other? We will find out. Questions will be asked in a prompt. The answers will be in the answer box so read them before erasing them to put in the answer. All you need to type is the CAPITAL letter answer. THAT IS IT! Anything else and you will be wrong. If you get it right, you move on. If not, you lose. If you make it far enough along, answers will start to become fill in the blank. It will be easier to hit CAPS LOCK because the answers here must be in all CAPS and must have spaces in between the words. If you somehow manage to get by these and get everything right, congrats. Sorry, no prize except the feeling that you are a DC nerd. Let the games begin...

Take the quiz!!