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To anybody who even remotley disliked the victims of the unfortunate tragedy that happened at Columbine Senior High School.

Though I had never met anybody at Columbine Senior High, I felt as though I had to remember them in some way.This page is that way.The shooting happened on April 20th 1999.13 people died that day, all because a couple of psychotic kids walked into a school and started shooting at innocent people.There names were Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris.I cannot see how anybody could ever kill sombody for no reason and I still dont know.If only somebody close to them could have reached out and said "dont do it man", then the innocent victims would no longer be victims, They would alive! I believe that inside everybody there is somebody good and that the 2 killers needed attention.Dont get me wrong though,They have no excuse for what they did.I express my deepest sympathies to those of you out there that have to deal with this tragedy.Here are the names of the people who so bravely died.Let us pray for these people:
Cassie Rene Bernall
Steven Robert Currow
Corey Depooter
Kelly Flemming
Matt Kochter
Daniel Mauser
Danny Rohrbough
John Tomlin
Lauren Townsend
William "Dave" Sanders
Rachel Joy Scott
Isaiah Shoels
Kyle Velasquez

May they all rest in peace and have everlasting love.
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Click on vitim's names to get info on them

Cassie Rene Bernall
Steven Robert Curnow
Corey Depooter
Kelly Fleming
Matt Kochter
Daniel Mauser
Danny Rohrbough
John Tomlin
Lauren Townsend
Rachel Joy Scott
Isaiah Shoels
Kyle Velasquez
