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Moon - The Anti-Christ



For much time now, many people have asked, "Who is the Anti-Christ?", and "How will I know the Anti-Christ when I see it?" I want to answer your questions. There have been many answers, but man has told all of these. My answer came to me through a revelation from God, like many other things. I hope to answer you the questions you ask now.

First of all, lets ask ourselves 'What is the Anti-Christ?'

The biggest mistake that most people make is believing that the Anti-Christ is the Anti-Jesus. This fact is true. If we had been warned to look for an Anti-Jesus, we might have looked for a single person. Therefore, to find out whom the Anti-Christ is let's look at who Christ is. Here are some bible quotes that will help us understand.

"So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another" (Romans 12:5)
"Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ?" (1 Corinthians 6:15)

"Now you are Christ's body, and individually members of it." (1 Corinthians 12:27)

So, from this, we derived that Christ is made up of all Christians. The head of this Christ is of course Jesus. Therefore, the Anti-Christ must be a group of followers, with a leader.

So, just who is the Anti-Christ?

The Anti-Christ is a group of people. These people are most probably deceived into the group, and believe that the leader is Christ. Wee should also keep in mind that anti in the term Anti-Christ refers to "Substitute" rather than against.

So, Who then is the Anti-Christ?

Is it just a co-incidence that spelling Moon on a touch-phone gives you the number 6-666???

Probably, this document is not at all based on that fact. However, the fact is simply that Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the leader of the Unification Church, is the Anti-Christ.

There are many people that belong to the Unification Church. These people probably don't want to hear what I tell you. However, they must, they must know the truth. Many have come to the Unification Church through deception. Many of the beliefs of the Unification church seem good and pure, I can not deny that, and many of the principles do seem as if they come from God himself. However the motives of the leader, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, are what make the Unification Church unpure and evil. Rev. Moon is in the church for world denomination and money.

Rev. Moon has been corrupted. He tells a story of 'Jesus' coming to see him to tell him to finish his mission. This vision of Jesus was obviously the Devil coming in the form of Jesus to deceive Rev. Moon. I can't say for sure if Rev. Moon was aware of this or if he didn't know. My belief however is that that Rev. Moon was aware but was deceived by the Devil. He would have been promised money and political influence. He would have been sucked into the world of Satan and once in would have found it hard to escape. Moon's morals were probably once good, and he really did want to help people, however the devil has now corrupted him and used him as a messenger.

The people who will suffer from this are the followers and members of the Unification Church. They do not realise what they have gotten into, and are probably looking for an Anti-Christ themselves, without realising just how close they are to the Anti-Christ. They need to leave the church and have nothing to do with it anymore. Anyone who understands this information must leave. Don't risk a second death because of Rev. Moon's deception. He is very deceptive and looks like an innocent man, but I assure you this, he is not.

Rev. Moon likes to be called the "True Father". This is a demand that not even Jesus made. No one but God himself can be the True Father. For this man to come out and request to go by this title is amoral.

I tell you once more the Unification Church is the Anti-Christ, with the leader Rev. Moon, which we were warned about in the Bible.