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hello and welcome to the children of judas website

my name is patrick and this is my way of communicating with the outside world in a calm and non-derogatory fashion. i know the name of my site seems pretty harsh, but it's easily explainable. the children of judas are evil little beasts (view image) from a comic book called crimson which tells the tale of a young boy who becomes a vampire and has to deal with the accopanying problems. to date (4 issues so far) the coolest enemies are the children of judas. they run around on all fours and shred their victims with sharp teeth and claws. the story behind them is that after judas escariot betrayed jesus, he was condemned to spew these wretched little monkeys as he walked the earth blindly. the trademark of the children is that when they attack they leave several "XXX" marks to symbolize the thirty pieces of gold that judas sold jesus for. if you are familiar with the game starcraft, the behavior of the children is similar to that of the zerglings. so, i thought this would be a cool theme for a website. all of the sections have been dubbed "children". any questions?

meet the children

check out the play that i'm writing with my friend alfred...

A MURDER OF RAVENS"'s still a work in progress, so feedback would be appreciated.

my compositions: social distortion
links: the chosen one

email me