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Cara Eve
Cara Eve

Cara Eve

RhyDin Highlands

"Sadness, whispering through my heart,
My soul is lost, so torn apart..."

A young woman made her way through the harsh world, helping where she can with empathetic talents, drawing out hurts and letting them free. Her soul constantly searched for the one that is her soulmate, the one she knew was out there...until the day they found each other again.

Happily betrothed to that soulmate, Lord Dresden Dark, she resided within Darkenshire Manor in a richly appointed room. Luxury as she could have only dreamed of lay within her small reach. Servants at her beck and call, she marveled at this new world, so different from the hard life of before, the almost monastic hardness that she had imposed upon herself.

Until it all fell apart.

Cara stands about 5'5", slender and lithe. Silken chestnut curls tumble down her back and across her shoulders, contrasting against milky skin and cream-colored linen. Tender topaz eyes draw the gaze, pulling at the senses for those whose mind is not aware and guarded against such.

Usually, Cara is found dressed in cream-colored linen from the high throat to the floor, covering all but her face and hands. Recently, her tastes are becoming slightly more daring, perhaps a glimps of arms or ankles from time to time. Most likely, she will be wearing gloves of silk, a reminder of a time when her hands remained hidden.

Cara wears only one ornament, an amethyst set in gold laying about the tender column of her throat.

Message to Cara
Message to Cara