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ReMeMeBeR To PaCk LiGhT

Omigosh! I haven't not actually been to my site for a good nine months. What was I thinking leaving you with all these horrible memories! Ahhh. I truly am sorry. I can't promise you it will get any better but I would like to add new pictures and rid myself of all the other hideous ones. Please bare with me a little longer!

Alot has changed and occured in my life in the past 9 months or so. I could only imagine how many days it would take for me to inform you all of my fun and misfortunes. Here I can begin to ellaborate. As everyone is aware a semester has passed and I am finally attending my last 4 months or so of high school(grade 12)! From there hoping to move on to bigger and better things. 7 more days till I will be legal in Alberta and I'm slowly missing the 17 years that passed me by so quickly.

Last updated on Sunday, Feb 2/2003

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