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Amiskoosis Saskihigan Burial Grounds
                                                          By Roanna Bean Campbell
                                                                    Taken from the History book ; Little Beaver Tales -Ferintosh and District

Long before the whiteman came to our part of the world, and long before this region was even called the Northwest Territories, the buffalo and the Indian roamed along the lovely banks of Amiskoosis Saskihigan, where present day Ferintosh is now located According to an old Cree friend of mine, Amiskoosis Saskihigan meant " Little Lake belonging to the Beaver"
    Before the "Hills of Peace" were named (to the west of us, near Wetaskiwin), where the Cree and the Blackfoot buried their ancient hatchets, members of both tribes shot arrows at one another in the hills between the banks of Amiskoosis Saskihigan and Red Deer Lake . Arrowheads have been found on hills where ancient battles were fought . On a hill two miles west of the little lake belonging to the Beaver, an ancient Indian Burial Ground is still located . It is said that the Indian prefers to be buried on a high hill and , if possible, overlooking water. This burial ground is on one of the highest hills in the neighbourhood, called Collins Hill, and Meeting Creek does meander through the valley at it's foot. But there are three stories in connection with this Indian Grave Yard which I have heard.
    One comes from an old Indian who said it was the burial place of warriors . Another story has it that the graves on that hillside were for victims of a smallpox epidemic. Recently, I heard tell that 500 Indians were buried there in a mass grave as the result of the 'Black Plague'. No one can say for sure which story is right or wrong now. But I do know from personal observation , that as late as 1934 crude wooden crosses , marking ancient graves , could still be seen. I went out and looked at them.
     In September of 2002, I was contacted by MASON EXPLORATION regarding the feasibility of using GROUND PENETRATING RADAR  to locate the burial ground spoken of in this article. On Oct 5th, 2002, Sherran Dermott with the Camrose Genealogical Society and I took this background picture of the view from the top of Collins Hill. One can see part of Reddeer Lake as well as the creek below the hill. NOVEMBER 1st, 2002, MASON EXPLORATION went ahead with the GPR with a joint effort combining the Camrose County GenWeb, AGS Camrose Branch , Mason Exploration, and future involvement promised by the Duhamel Historical Society. The findings were astounding! Not only was it proven up there were graves on this hill, but sufficient evidence to conclude this to be a legitimate UNREGISTERED GRAVESITE ! GLOBAL NEWS, Edmonton, were there during the field work and did an excellant interview while the GPR was being done, and as Mason Exploration processed the data in their laboratory.February , 2003, the AGS Camrose Branch went ahead with the application process for the costs of a Historical Marker to commemorate this gravesite through the ALBERTA HISTORICAL RESOURCES FOUNDATION. Depending on the outcome of the application , to be anounced in May , 2003, proceedings should follow to install a marker on this site sometime in 2003.
    I would like to thank Mason Exploration for their voluntary efforts and expertise with this project , and the AGS Camrose Branch , for their research in the history pertaining to this gravesite .
Barry Hovelson
Camrose County GenWeb