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1907 - 1911

Births, Christenings, Confirmations,Marriages,Divorce, Deaths , and Obituaries
that have been listed in the paper.
With over 400 entries!

Aker ; Mr. and Mrs. L., BORN , a daughter, Feb. 23rd, 1911
Aker ; Miss Tillie , and Kvale ; Mr. Gullick , MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Jan. 4th, 1910 , written Jan. 27th, 1910
Aker ; Miss Nina, and Oppen ; Mr. Anton, MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Jan. 12th, 1910, written Jan. 27th, 1910
Aker ; Miss Tillie, and Quvale ; Mr. G. were MARRIED Jan. 4th, 1910.
Allan ; Penman , DEATH, written May 19th, 1910
Ambler ; Geo., of Manville, MARRIED , Miss Zylph Rule, Friday, Aug. 13th, 1909
Anderson ; Miss Johanna, MARRIED Wm. Schultz, Wednesday , Oct. 20th, 1909(entered Oct. 21st, and Oct. 28th, 1909)
Anderson ; Miss Leah Louisa , and Stauffer ; Mr. Stanley, MARRIED Nov. 23rd, 1910,
Anderson ; Mr. Arnold, and Denton ; Miss Grace, MARRIED , written Feb. 23rd, 1911
Anderson ; Miss Leah Louisa , and Stauffer ; Mr. Stanley, MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT, , Nov. 24th, 1910
Anderson ; Jonas , DEATH,(notice to creditors) written Oct. 20th, 1910
Anderson ; Mrs. Esther , DEATH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Long, Saturday , Nov. 7th, 1908, 22 years old.
Anderson ; Israel , OBITUARY , died March 7th, 1910, written March 10th, 1910
Anderson ; Israel, Confirmed in the School House, posted Oct. 18th, 1907
Anderson ; Thorvold , and Andreason ; Miss Ovidia , MARRIAGE LICENCE issued ,written July 6th, 1911
Anderson ;Mr. and Mrs. R.H., SILVER WEDDING,Thursday, Sept. 24th, 1908
Anderson ; Harold, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Andreason ; Miss Ovidia of Norway, and Anderson ; Mr. Thorvold , MARRIAGE LICENCE issued , written July 6th, 1911
Aursness ; Mattie, CONFIRMATION , written Sept. 29th, 1910
Baker ; Milton , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Baker ; Emmet, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Balsilie ; Mrs. Hugh , OBITUARY , Died Jan. 3rd, 1910
Balsille ; Mrs. Hugh, daughter of Wm. Eggleston , OBITUARY, Tuesday, Jan. 4th, 1910
Bamsey ; Mr. P.R. MARRIED , written Oct. 27th, 1911
Barker ; Miss Ella F., and Burrows ; Mr. J.Heber, MARRIED Oct. 21st, 1911
Barnard ; A.H., Return with a NEW BRIDE, ( Macmorine ; Olive ) Oct. 18th, 1907
Barnard ; Mr. and Mrs.A.H., BIRTH , a daughter, Nov. 16th, 1908
Barrett ; Garry, SENTENCED TO DEATH, by hanging on July 14th, 1909, at Edmonton , entered May 20th, 1909
Batke ; Wm., MARRIED Miss Amanda Korth, entered Dec. 23rd, 1909
Behrens ; C.C. and Brothers, CARD OF THANKS, written June 22nd, 1911
Benson ; Miss Sadie Caralina, MARRIED J.M.Olson , Dec. 1st, 1909
Bergquist ; Christina , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Bergquist ; Miss Olga , and Smith ; Ralph E. were MARRIED Jan. 15th, 1910
Bergquist ; Oden E., MARRIED , Welsh, Miss Jennie L., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Welsh, Wednesday Nov. 4th, 1908
Bergquist , Miss Olga , and Smith ; Mr. R.E. , MARRIAGE NOTICE, written Jan. 20th, 1910
Bevens ; Thomas , DIED , Feb. 23rd,1910,  aged 72 years old.
Bjorge ; Mr. Martin , and Layher ; Miss Mathilda Krestine , MARRIED Dec. 11th, 1910
Bjorge ; Miss Tilda , and Peterson ; Mr. John , MARRIAGE NOTICE , written Feb. 10th, 1910
Bjorge ; Miss Hanna , of Norbo, MARRIED Olgn G. Paulson , Saturday , Oct. 30th, 1909
Bjorge ; Hjalmer , DIED , May 24th, 1911, wriiten May 25th, 1911
Bjorkblad ; Mr. and Mrs., BIRTH , a daughter, May 16th, 1908
Boe ; Harold, MARRIED, Ingrid Paulson , both of Norbo, Thursday, Aug. 5th, 1909
Bowie ; Miss Minerva, MARRIED P.A.Sweeney, Tuesday, Nov. 30th, 1909
Bowie ; Mr. and Mrs. Geo., BORN/ DIED, infant baby boy, written May 25th, 1911
Bowie ; Mrs. Geo. , OBITUARY , written June 15th, 1911
Bowie ; Mrs. Ethel , OBITUARY, died June 12th, 1911, written June 29th, 1911
Bowie ; Mr. George , and Sawyer ; Miss Ethel , MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Feb. 1st, 1910, written March 10th, 1910
Bradley ; Mrs. M.A. of Strome, DIED , May 5th, 1910, written May 12th, 1910
Brooks ; Mr. and Mrs. O.G., BIRTH, a son, Monday, June 14th, 1909
Bryant ; Mr. and Mrs. L.C., BIRTH,  a daughter, Saturday , September 7th, 1908
Bublitz ; Miss Elsie, of Bawlf, MARRIED Walter B. Moulder, Wednesday, Oct. 20th, 1909
Buckle ; Miss Lydia E., MARRIED Alfred J.Endres, Friday April 9th, 1909 (small write-up)
Burrows ; Mr. J. Heber and Barker ; Miss Ella F., MARRIED Oct. 21st, 1911
Campbell ; Mr. Robert W., and McTavish ; Miss Jennie, MARRIED Dec. 20th, 1910
Christianson ; Mr. and Mrs. John , DEATH of infant child, (funeral) , Wednesday Feb. 17th, 1909
Christianson ; child of Mr. and Mrs. John , CORRECTION to Death notice, written Sept. 29th, 1910
Christianson ; Mr. and Mrs. John's infant child, DIED , Aug. 26th, 1910, written Sept.1st. 1910
Christianson ; Mr. and Mrs. John, BIRTH , a daughter, Sunday Aug. 9th, 1908
Christianson ; Hazel Marion, OBITUARY, Wednesday , Feb. 17th, 1909, aged 6 mos. and 7 days.
Christianson ; Mr. and Mrs. John , BORN , a son , Tues. April 12th, 1910
Christianson ; Agnes, Confirmed in the School House, posted Oct. 18th, 1907
Clapp ; Mrs. Geo., OBITUARY, entered Nov. 12th, 1908
Coldman ; Louis , MURDERED , May 24th, 1910, written May 26th, 1910
Coles ; Miss MARRIED in Ontario , written Nov. 10th, 1911
Collins ; Mr. Odell, and Norby ; Miss Jennie Mary, MARRIED , written March 23rd, 1911
Cousins ; Mr. A.V. , and Hustad ; Miss Inga, MARRIAGE NOTICE married Feb. 9th, 1910, written Feb. 10th, 1910
Cousins ; Mr. and Mrs. A., BORN , a daughter, Aug. 31st, 1910, written Sept. 1st, 1910
Craig ; Miss Myrtle M.,and Edgar ; William H., MARRIED , Nov. 11th, 1910
Craig ; William H., and Fernetta J., DIVORCE, entered Nov. 19th, 1908 (write-up)
Craig ; Myrtle M., and Freeman ; Charles B., DIVORCE, written Aug. 11th, and Aug. 18th, 1910
Crawford ; Fannie , MURDERED , written Sept. 29th, 1910
Cross ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm., BORN , a daughter, written Nov. 10, 1910
Cunningham ; Mr. and Mrs. W.R. , BORN , a daughter , Aug. 24th, 1910
Cunningham ; Mr. Glen ,MARRIED , wife's name not listed, written Feb. 2nd, 1911
Currie ; Tom, KILLED in Railway Accident, written Nov. 3rd, 1911
Cviohg ; Mrs. Lillian , and Lemke ; Mr. Christ. MARRIED March 31st, 1910, written April 7th, 1910
Dahl ; Edw. T. , DIVORCE /public notice of debt responsibility , written Oct. 20th and 27th, 1911
Danielson ; Miss Hannah , and Flanagan ; Mr. J.E. , MARRIED , written June 29th, 1911
Denton ; Miss Grace, and Anderson ; Mr. Arnold MARRIED written Feb. 23rd, 1911
Devlin ; Miss, MARRIED C.A.Ward at Innisfail (last week) , entered Feb. 11th, 1909
Dinsmore ; Ora, MARRIED , Victor O.K. Scott Wednesday , Dec. 30th, 1908
Donnolley; Mr. of Stettler, ACCIDENTAL DEATH, written March 17th, 1910
Douglas ; Blossom, MARRIED Tone , Ransom, posted May 28th, 1908 (Write-up)
Dublet ; Olaf, DEATH, Tuesday, March 9th, 1909, aged 10 yrs. old.
Duitman ; Mrs. D.A., OBITUARY , written April 7th, 1910
Duitman ; Mrs. D.A. of Montrose DIED , March 28th, 1910, written March 30th, 1910
Duitman ; Mrs.D.A. CARD OF THANKS, from family , written April 7th, 1910
Duklet ; Miss Mina Elovine , and Johnson ; Mr. Henry , MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT, March 29th , written March 16th, 1911
Duklet ; Miss Mina E., and Johnson ; Mr. Henry M., MARRIED on March 29th, 1911, written April 13th, 1911
Eastly ; Opal, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Edgar ; Mr. William H. of Vancouver, MARRIED Craig ; Miss Myrtle M., of Bawlf, Nov. 11th, 1910
Eggedahl ; Rev. MARRIED , written Feb. 10th, 1910
Eggen ; Bert, HONOR ROLL , for March , 1911
Eggen ; Ralph, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Ellefson ; Hans , OBITUARY , written Aug. 3rd , 1911
Ellefson ; Hans , DEATH/notice to creditors, written Oct. 13th and 20th, 1911
Ellefson ; Hans , DIED , July 21st, 1911, written July 27th, 1911
Endres ; Mr. and Mrs. A.J. , BORN , a son , Aug. 21st, 1910
Endres ; Alfred J., MARRIED Miss Lydia E.Buckle, Friday, April 9th, 1909
Erickson ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred's son, CHRISTENING , entered Oct. 25th, 1907
Finstad ; Miss Nellie, and Fodness ; Mr.Carl, MARRIED, Nov. 25th, 1910
Fisk ; John , to be HANGEDApril 18th,for the murder of Tucker Peach, in Calgary. written March 9th, 1911
Flanagan ; Mr. J.E., and Danielson ; Miss Hannah MARRIED , written June 29th, 1911
Flannagan ; Mr. E.J., and Danielson ; Miss Hannah , MARRIAGE LICENCE issued , written June 15th, 1911
Fleming ; Mrs. James , of Holden, OBITUARY, died March 1st, 1910 , written March 10TH, 1910
Floor ; Mr. and Mrs.A., BIRTH , a son , Monday, June 7th, 1909
Fodness ; Mr. Carl, and Finstad ; Miss Nellie , MARRIED , Nov. 25th, 1910
Foster ; Fred , DEATH , written Aug. 11th, 1910,
Fowler ; Ruth , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Fowler ; Helen, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Fowler ; Dorothy, HONOR ROLL,for March , 1911
Fox ; Baby daughter , DEATH, Jan. 5th, 1910
Fox ; Mr. and Mrs. J.S. ,BORN, a daughter Jan. 1st, 1910
Fraser ; Sperry , HONOR ROLL , for March 1911
Fraser ; Orline, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Freeman ; Mr. and Mrs. Sam , DEATH, infant daughter , Sept. 18th, 1908
Freeman ; Charles B., and Myrtle M (nee- Myrtle M. Craig).,DIVORCE, written Aug. 11th, 1910 and Aug. 18th, 1910
Gaalaas; Chris , MARRIED Mary , daughter of Ole R. Olsen , Entered Thursday , Oct. 4th , 1907.
Gaborian ; Mr. P., and Johnson ; Miss Katie , MARRIED Sept. 14th, 1910
Gair ; William ,of Strome, MARRIEDWestendorf , Gesine, of Wetaskiwin, Wednesday , Nov. 25th, 1908
Gardiner ; Mrs. John , OBITUARY , died Feb. 27th, 1910 , written March 24th, 1910
Gardiner ; Mr. John, OBITUARY, died Aug. 18th, 1911, written Aug. 30th, 1911
Gardiner ; mother to C.W., RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE,(DEATH) from Bawlf Camp M.W.A., written March 17th , 1910
Gardiner ; C.W.'s father DIED in Ontario Aug. 18th, 1911
Gibb ; Miss Robina  , and Rhyasson ; Geo. E., of Bawlf, MARRIED March 19th, 1910
Gill ; Willie , DIED , written July 20th, 1911
Gouchey ; Mr. Hans A., and Scheidegger ; Miss Louise MARRIED May 29th, 1910, written June 2nd, 1910
Graham ; Frank,from Buffalo Lake, Death, (suicide), May 28th, 1909
Grahn ; Miss Augusta, MARRIED Thomas E. Saby, Thursday, July 22nd, 1909
Grahn ; Otto , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Halsten ; Miss Helga , and Skalleberg ; Mr. A., MARRIED Aug. 20th, 1911
Halvorson ; Mrs. Henry , of South Dakota, DIED , written Sept. 29th, 1911
Hamre ; Clara, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Hamren ; Mr. and Mrs. J.L., BIRTH, a son, Monday, Jan. 18th, 1909
Hanson ; Miss Agnes, and Nealand ; Mr. Geo, MARRIAGE NOTICE , written March 10th, 1910
Hanson ; H.E. , and Ritland ; Miss Anna Laura , MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Jan. 12th, 1910, written Jan. 20th, 1910
Hanson ; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel , BORN , a daughter , written Jan. 20th, 1910
Hanson ; Hazel, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Hanson ; Inga, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Hanson ; Mr. Hans , and Ritland ; Miss Anna , MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Jan. 12th, 1910, written Jan. 27th, 1910
Hanson ; Mrs. Peter , CARD OF THANKS, from Peter and Children, entered Jan. 21, 1909
Hardisty Postmaster; DEATH (suicide) entered June 4th, 1908
Hardy ; Mr. and Mrs. E.C., BORN , a daughter, July 6th, 1911
Hardy ; Mrs. A.W., OBITUARY,died Oct. 25th, 1911, written Oct. 27th, 1911
Harris ; Mrs. J.N., BIRTH , a son , Friday , Sept. 25th, 1908
Harry ; Mrs. E.H. KILLED in fire , written Nov. 3rd, 1911
Haugen ; M., DROWNING, written June 8th, 1911
Haugen ; Mike, BODY FOUND at Camrose, written June 15th, 1911
Haugstad ; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, BIRTH , a son, entered Feb. 25th, 1909
Heater ; Mr. , and Hutchinson ; Miss Mabel, MARRIED , Feb. 27th, written March 16th , 1911
Henkel ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry, BIRTH , a daughter, Monday , Dec. 21st, 1908
Henrikson ; Mr. Chris. and Sater ; Miss Betzy , MARRIAGE NOTICE, married Jan. 20th, 1910, written Jan. 27th, 1910
Higgins ; Mr. and Mrs. T.H., BIRTH , a son , Monday , Oct. 12th, 1908
Hillaby ; Mr. and Mrs. H. BORN , a son , Sept. 1st, 1911
Hitchcock ; Effie, Sister of G.H. Hitchcock, MARRIED Merril ; A.F. , of Quarrel, Entered Oct. 25th, 1907
Hof ; Miss Clara MARRIED D. McCall sometime in February, entered May 20, 1909
Howe ; Mr. Jesse MARRIED , wife from Dauphin, Man. , written Jan. 26th, 1911
Huntsley ; Mr. and Mrs. C.E., BIRTH , a daughter, Monday, July 5th, 1909
Hustad ; Miss Inga , and Cousins ; Mr. A.V. , MARRIAGE NOTICE married Feb. 9th, 1910, written Feb. 10th, 1910
Hustad ; Fred , CONFIRMATION , written Sept. 29th, 1910
Hutchinson ; Miss Mabel, and Heater ; Mr. MARRIED , Feb. 27th, 1911
Jackson ; Mrs. , DIED , Feb. 15th, written Feb. 16th, 1911
Jackson ; Elma, Confirmed in the School House, posted Oct. 18th, 1907
Jackson ; Lizzie , MARRIED Kvitten , N.L., Tuesday Oct. 20th, 1908 (large write-up)
Jackson ; L., and family, CARD OF THANKS , written Nov. 3rd, 1911
Jackson ; Anton I., DIED Oct. 25th, 1911
Jacobson ; Miss Hannah , MARRIED Johnson, Robert C., Saturday , Aug. 15th, 1908
Jerdy ; Mrs. , DEATH, entered April 21st,and death cause entered April 29th,1909
Jewison ; Mr. and Mrs. J.A. , BORN , twin girls , May 22nd, 1911
Johnson ; Robert C., MARRIED Jacobson , Hannah , of Sedgewick, Saturday , Aug. 15th, 1908
Johnson ; Miss Katie , and Gaborian ; Mr. P., MARRIED Sept. 14th, 1910
Johnson ; Mr. and Mrs. Alex, BIRTH, a son , Wednesday, Aug. 5th, 1908
Johnson ; Elmer , MARRIED Sand, Clara , at the bride's home June 10th, 1908
Johnson ; John, Confirmed in the School House, posted Oct. 18th, 1907
Johnson ; Mr. Henry M., and Duklet ; Miss Mina E. , MARRIED , on March 29th, 1911, written April 13th, 1911
Kadlec ; Mr. and Mrs. James daughter, aged 4 years , DIED , written Feb. 17th, 1910
Kadlee ; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob , DEATH, of infant twins Monday , Feb. 8th, 1909
Kelly ; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer, BIRTH, a daughter, Monday of last week, entered Dec. 2nd, 1909
Kelsey ; Miss Minnie Augasta , MARRIED Robert E. McCarty, Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, 1909
Kennedy ; Mr. and Mrs. Dave, BIRTH, a son, Friday , Aug. 27th, 1909
Kettleson ; Miss Selma, and Oppen ; Mr. Louis, MARRIED , Nov. 25th, 1910
King ; W.M., OBITUARY, Saturday, June 5th, 1909, aged 78 yrs. (entered June 17, 1909 on 2 pages)
King ; Mrs. Robert, OBITUARY, written Oct. 13th, 1910
Kirkpatrick ; Mr. and Mrs. L.H., BIRTH, a son, Wednesday , May 12th, 1909
Kirkpatrick ; Mr. and Mrs. L.H., BORN , a daughter, April 1st, 1911
Kirkpatrick ; Mr. J.A., and Lynch ; Miss Jessie MARRIED May 24th, 1910, written June 2nd, 1910
Kirkpatrick ; Mrs. L.H.'s mother, (Mrs. Robert King)DIED in Barrie , Ontario . written Sept. 29th, 1910
Kirkpatrick ; Harry , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Klosterman ; Josephine, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Knudson ; Lars , of Hurley S.D., DIED , written Jan. 13th, 1910
Kolberg ; Miss Clara and Olson ; Mr. Ed, MARRIED ,July 26th, 1911
Korth , Miss Amanda , MARRIED Wm. Batke, entered Dec. 23rd, 1909
Kraeig ; Miss Jose , and Ramstad ; Mr. Anton, MARRIED , Jan. 20th, 1910
Krueger ; F., OBITUARY , 77 years old, entered Aug. 20th, 1908
Kvale ; Mr. Gullick , and Aker ; Miss Tillie , MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Jan. 4th, 1910, written Jan. 27th, 1910
Kvittem ; Mr. and Mrs. Nels , BORN , a daughter, April 7th, 1911
Kvittem ; Mr. and Mrs. N.L., BIRTH, a son, Tuesday , March 30th, 1909
Kvitten ; N.L. MARRIED Jackson , Lizzie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lars Jackson , Tuesday Oct. 20th, 1908
Lassessen ; Mr. and Mrs. P.E. SILVER WEDDING , Dec. 27th, 1910 written Jan. 5th, 1911
Laundkamer ; Mr. and Mrs.Wm., BORN , a son Nov. 15th, 1910
Layher ; Miss Mathilda Krestine , and Bjorge ; Mr. Martin , MARRIED Dec. 11th, 1910
Leach ; Ethel Myril, daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. C.E.Leach , MARRIED Thirsk, Lloyd , posted May 14th, 1908, (Full Write-up)
Lee ; Gilbert, DEATH, April 12th, 1909, enroute with cattle on train from Blooming Prairie, Minnesota, (suffocation)(entered April 15,1909)
Leibing ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry, BIRTH, a daughter, entered Sept. 2nd, 1909
Lemke ; Mr. and Mrs. Chris , CARD OF THANKS written Nov. 3rd, 1911
Lemke ; Mr. Christ. and Cviohg ; Mrs. Lillian MARRIED March 31st, 1910 , written April 7th, 1910
Lempke ; Edith , DIED Oct. 17th, 1911
Lennox ; Mr. John, MURDERED , written April 6th, 1911
Levine ; J.P., OBITUARY , died June 19th , 1911,written June 22nd, 1911
Lindboe ; Olaf , OBITUARY, Friday, Feb. 26th, 1909, aged 28 yrs.,7 mos., and 16 days. (entered March 4,1909)
Lindboe ; Olaf, OBITUARY, funeral on Monday , March 8th, 1909 (entered March 11, 1909)
Litzer ; B.J., and Miller ; Miss Laura , MARRIED May 3rd, 1910, written May 12th, 1910
Lomness ; Mr. and Mrs. S., DEATH, infant daughter, Monday, Dec. 27th, 1909
Lomness ; Mr. and Mrs. Sam, BIRTH, a son, Wednesday, Sept. 8th, 1909
Lomness ; Jesse , HONOR ROLL, for March, 1911
Lomness ; Sigrid , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Lotzer ; John's sister in Minnesota, DIED , written June 15TH, 1911
Lynch ; Miss Jessie, and Kirkpatrick ; Mr. J.A. MARRIED May 24th, 1910, written June 2nd, 1910
Macmorine ; Olive , daughter of Rev. Canon Macmorine, Portage La Prairie, Manitoba , MARRIED Barnard ; A.H. (To be wed Oct. 30th, 1907)
Magee ; Mr. and Mrs. O.N., BIRTH, a son, Friday, Oct. 14th, 1909
Magee ; Alison ; HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Magee ; Robbie, HONOR ROLL , for March , 1911
Magee ; Gladys , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Magnusson ; Leonard , DIED , 6 yrs. old, written June 1st, 1911
Manning ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm., BIRTH/DEATH, a son , written June 22nd, 1911
Manning ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.'s daughter DIED in Duncan B.C. Aug. 11th, 1911
McCall ; D., MARRIED Miss Clara Hof, both formerly of Bawlf, to live in Minneapolis, entered May 20th, 1909
McCarty ; Robert E., MARRIED Miss Minnie Augasta Kelsey, Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, 1909
McCarty ; Philip, OBITUARY , entered Oct. 22nd, 1908
McFarren ; Seth , DEATH NOTICE/ OBITUARY , written May 5th, 1910
McFarren ; Seth, OBITUARY, died April 11th, 1910, written April 14th, 1910
McIlveen ; Mr. and Mrs. W.F., BIRTH , a son, Saturday , July 4th, 1908
McOle ; Max , MARRIAGE , written Feb. 10th, 1910
McPherson ; Malcolm, MARRIED Miss Emma Schneider, of Bawlf, Tuesday, Nov. 30th, 1909
McTavish ; Miss Jennie , and Campbell ; Mr. Robert W., MARRIED Dec. 20th, 1910
Merril ; A.F. MARRIED Hitchcock ; Effie , entered Oct. 25th, 1907
Mickelson ; Mr. and Mrs. J.E., BORN , a daughter, April 6th, 1910
Miller ; Miss Laura , and Litzer ; B.J., MARRIED May 3rd, 1910, written May 12th, 1910
Miner ; Jas. and family, CARD OF THANKS, for Henry, entered July 22nd, 1909
Miner ; James Henry, OBITUARY, entered July 22nd, 1909
Miner ; Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miner, DEATH, entered July 15th, 1909
Mitchell ; Fred , OBITUARY, entered Oct. 22nd, 1908
Moan ; Mr. and Mrs. John, BIRTH , a daughter, Feb. 22nd, 1909
Molstad ; Paulie , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Molstad ; Harold, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Molstad ; Mr. and Mrs. O., BIRTH, a daughter, Saturday , March 6th, 1909
Morey ; Lucile , KILLED by a Bear, written May 18th, 1911
Morrison ; Archie , ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING, written June 15th, 1911
Mosby ; Mr. Geo. and Stensrud ; Miss Anna , MARRIED Jan. 25th,written Jan. 26th, 1911
Moulder ; Walter B., of Hardisty, MARRIED Miss Elsie Bublitz, Wednesday, Oct. 20th, 1909
Mulstad ; Jarvin, HONOR ROLL, for March 1911
Munt ; Violet, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Munt ; John, HONOR ROLL, for March, 1911
Mussen ; Miss Nina Mae, and Potter ; Mr. Walter B., MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Feb. 1st, 1910, written Feb. 17th, 1910
Nealand ; Mr. Geo. and Hanson ; Miss Agnes, MARRIAGE NOTICE , written March 10, 1910
Nelson ; A.L., MARRIED Witthuhn, Minnie, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Falkenroth, entered June 4th, 1908
Nelson ; Nels , OBITUARY , died Aug. 10th, 1910 , written Aug. 11th, 1910
Nelson ; Olgar, HONOR ROLL , for March , 1911
Nicoll ; Annie , MARRIED Webster, V.J., Thursday , Sept. 29th, 1908 (small write-up)
Norby ; Miss Jennie Mary, and Collins ; Mr. Odell, MARRIED , written March 23rd, 1911
Odigard ; Helen , and Quesseth ; Mr. Einar , MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Jan. 20th, 1910, written Jan. 27th, 1910
Olsen; Mary, MARRIED Chris Gaalas ,Entered Oct. 4th, 1907 ( Full Write-up )
Olson ; Ida, HONOR ROLL , for March , 1911
Olson ; Percy, HONOR ROLL , for March , 1911
Olson ; Agnes, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Olson ; Mr. Ed, and Kolberg ; Miss Clara , MARRIED , July 26th, 1911
Olson ; Lollie , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Olson ; Mr. and Mrs. O.R. BIRTH , a son, Saturday May 30th, 1908
Olson ; J.M., MARRIED Miss Sadie Caralina Benson , of Edberg, Wednesday, Dec. 1st, 1909
Olson ; Mrs. Knut's mother, DEATH, Monday, Sept. 13th, 1909
Olson ; Mr. and Mrs. Ole l., BIRTH, a son, Friday, Aug. 13th, 1909
Olson ; Mr.and Mrs. O.L., BIRTH, a son, May 15th, 1908
Olson ; Mr. and Mrs. O.L. , BORN , a daughter, Dec. 6th, 1910
Olson ; Eileen , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Olson ; Mr. and Mrs. J.M., BORN, a daughter, Oct. 5th, 1910
Olson ; Joseph , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Olson ; Gustav , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Olstad ; Michael , CARD OF THANKS , from family , written April 28th, 1910
Olstad ; Michael, OBITUARY, died April 25th, 1910, written April 28th, 1910
Oppen ; Mr. Louis , and Kettleson ; Miss Selma, MARRIED , Nov. 25th, 1910
Oppen ; Mr. Anton , and Aker ; Miss Nina , MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Jan. 12th, 1910, written Jan. 27th, 1910
Osmundson ; Mrs. T., OBITUARY , written July 28th, 1910
Osmundson ; Mr. Tobias , OBITUARY , died July 30th, 1910, written Aug. 4th, 1910
Parsons ; Mr. and Mrs. T., BORN, a daughter, written Aug. 3rd, 1911
Parsons ; Dwight, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Patterson ; Mr. E.H., MARRIED , written Oct. 27th, 1911
Paulson ; Hazel, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Paulson ; Vernon , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Paulson ; Mr. and Mrs. B.A. , BORN , a son , Feb. 15th, 1911
Paulson ; Ingrid, MARRIED , Harold Boe, both of Norbo, Thursday, Aug. 5th, 1909
Paulson ; Olgn G., of Bawlf, MARRIED Miss Hanna Bjorge, Saturday, Oct. 30th, 1909
Paulson ; Mr. and Mrs.P.O., BIRTH, a son, Monday, Dec. 28th, 1908
Paulson ;  Mr. and Mrs. Bernard,s Son , - CHRISTENING- Oct. 18th, 1907
Paulson ; Mr. and Mrs. P., BIRTH , a son, Monday May 24th, 1909
Peach ; Tucker, MURDERED , by John Fisk, written March 9th, 1911
Pehrsen ; Ingebord, DEATH , Wednesday , Nov. 25th, 1908, 54 years, 4 months, and 26 days old. (write-up)
Peterson ; Mr. John , and Bjorge ; Miss Tilda, MARRIAGE NOTICE , written Feb. 10th, 1910
Petrick ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm., BORN, a son, Jan. 30th, 1911
Petrick ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm., CORRECTION to birth announcement, a daughter, not a son, written Feb. 9th, 1911
Phipps ; Mr. Harry V., and Thirsk ; Miss Clara M., MARRIAGE NOTICE , written June 30th, 1910
Potter ; Mr. Walter B., and Mussen ; Miss Nina Mae, MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Feb. 1st, 1910, written Feb. 17th, 1910
Potter ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry , DEATH, infant child , Wednesday , Nov. 11th, 1908, Pnuemonia,
Pritchard ; J.T.,BORN, a daughter, Sept. 11th, 1910
Purvis ; Mr. and Mrs. C.P., BIRTH, a daughter, Saturday, July 3rd, 1909
Quesseth ; Mr. Einar , and Odigard ; Helen , MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Jan. 20th, 1910, written Jan. 27th, 1910
Quvale ; Mr. G. and Aker ; Miss Tillie of near Bawlf were MARRIED tuesday Jan. 4TH, 1910
Ramstad ; Mr. Anton , and Kraeig ; Miss Jose , MARRIED , Jan. 20th, 1910
Rawlson ; Mr. (father to Mrs. Martin Saboe) DEATH, Tuesday, Oct. 12th, 1909 , about 50 years of age.
Reber ; Mr. and Mrs. Hiram , BIRTH , a son ,Monday, May 10th, 1909
Reich ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm., BIRTH, a son, Wednesday, June 16th, 1909
Reich ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm., BORN , a son , June 19th, 1911
Reich ; William , OBITUARY, died March 5th, 1910, written March 10th, 1910
Rhyason ; Mr. and Mrs. Parker, CARD OF THANKS written Nov. 3rd, 1911
Rhyason ; Wm., of Strome, MARRIED , Miss Christena Wilson , of Wetaskiwin, Wednesday , June 30th, 1909
Rhyasson ; Mr. Geo. E., and Gibb; Miss Robina , of Edmonton, MARRIED March 19th, 1910
Ritland ; Miss Anna , and Hanson ; Mr. Hans , MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Jan. 12th, 1910, written Jan. 27th, 1910
Ritland ; Miss Anna Laura, and Hanson ; Mr. H.E. , MARRIAGE NOTICE, MARRIED Jan. 12th, 1910, written Jan. 20th, 1910
Robinson ; Mr. and Mrs. Donald BIRTH, a daughter, Monday , September 7th, 1908
Rodenbour ; John , DEATH, written June 29th, 1911
Rohn ; Fred , CORRECTION NOTICE to suicide story , written March 3rd, 1910
Rohn ; Mrs. Fred's infant baby DIED, March 17th, 1911
Rohn ; Fred , SUICIDE , written Feb. 24th, 1910
Roth ; Mr. and Mrs. Adolph , BORN, a son, written Feb. 17th, 1910
Roth ;Mr. and Mrs. A.'s daughter, BIRTH , entered April 16th, 1908
Rule ; Miss Zylph, of Bawlf, MARRIED Geo. Ambler , Friday Aug. 13th, 1909
Sabey ; Anneta, Confirmed in the School House, posted Oct. 18th, 1907
Saby ; Thomas E., son of Mr. and Mrs. E.T.Saby, MARRIED , Miss Augusta Grahn, of New Sarepta, Thursday , July 22nd, 1909
Sand ; Miss Clara M., of Ferry Point, MARRIED Johnson , Elmer June 10th, 1908
Sanders ; Mrs. P., OBITUARY, died July 16th, 1910, written July 21st, 1910
Sater ; Miss Betzy, and Henrikson ; Mr. Chris. , MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Jan. 20th, 1910, written Jan. 27th, 1910
Sawyer ; Miss Ethel , and Bowie ; Mr. George , MARRIAGE NOTICE , married Feb.1st, 1910, written March 10th, 1910
Sawyer ; Geo. W., and Family, CARD OF THANKS, written June 22nd, 1911
Scheidegger ; Miss Louise and Gouchey ; Mr. Hans A., MARRIED May 29th, 1910 , written June 2nd, 1910
Schneider ; Miss Emma , MARRIED Malcolm McPherson , of Flagstaff, Tuesday, Nov. 30th, 1909
Schultz ; Wm., MARRIED Miss Johanna Anderson ,Wednesday , Oct. 20th, 1909(entered Oct. 21st, and Oct. 28th, 1909)
Scott ; Mrs. , of Toronto, DIED, daughter of W.W. Webster, written Sept. 29th, 1911
Scott ; Victor O.K., MARRIED , Dinsmore , Miss Ora, both of Wetaskiwin, Wednesday , Dec. 30th, 1908
Selnes ; Arthur , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Selnes ; Walter, HONOR ROLL, for March, 1911
Selnes ; Lillie , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Selnes ; Olaf, Confirmed in the School House, posted Oct. 18th, 1907
Shannon ; Mr. George, DEATH, Saturday, May 22nd, 1909
Shannon ; Mr. and Mrs. Carl's 3 yr. old daughter DIED Sept. 15th, 1911
Shaw ; Vera , HONOR ROLL , for March , 1911
Shaw ; Osburne , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Shaw ; Wilfred , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Shaw ; Ansel, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Skalleberg ; Mr. A., and Halsten ; Miss Helga of Chicago, MARRIED Aug. 20th, 1911
Smith ; Mr. R.E. , and Bergquist ; Miss Olga , MARRIAGE NOTICE , written Jan, 20th, 1910
Smith ; Andy, DIED , March 24th, 1911
Smith ; Ralph E., and Bergquist ; Miss Olga , were MARRIED saturday Jan. 15th, 1910
Smorlie ; Mrs. O., DIED , July 15th, 1910, written July 21st, 1910
Sorhus ; Rev. , MARRIAGE NOTICE, written Jan. 13th, 1910, married Dec. 29th, 1909
Sparby ; Ella , HONOR ROLL , for March , 1911
Spoklie ; Mr. and Mrs. Ed, BORN , a son, Jan. 18th, 1911
Spoklie ; Mr. and Mrs. Ed , CHRISTENING,infant daughter, Sunday, March 7th, 1909
Stauffer ; Mr. Stanley  and Anderson ; Miss Leah Louisa , MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT, Nov. 24th, 1910
Stauffer ; Mr. Stanley, and Anderson ; Miss Leah Louisa, MARRIED Nov. 23rd, 1910
Stensrud ; Edward , DIED March 17th, 1910
Stevens ; Basil, DEATH, (suicide near Strome)Friday, Sept. 10th, 1909
Stolee ; Peter , CONFIRMATION , written Sept. 29th, 1910
Stolee ; Mrs. Jacob , DIED aged 72 yrs. old, written June 30th, 1910
Stolee ; Mr. and Mrs. B.J., BIRTH , a daughter, entered Feb. 25th, 1909
Stolee ; Hannah, HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Stout ; Mr. and Mrs. Edward's infant daughter DEATH , Thursday , May 14th, 1908
Sweeney ; P.A., MARRIED Miss Minerva Bowie, both of Ferry Point, Tuesday, Nov. 30th, 1909
Swenerton ; Rev. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT, written Oct. 6th, 1911, and announced home in the Oct. 27th paper
Thirsk ; Lloyd W., son of E.W. Thirsk,MARRIED Leach , Ethel Myrl, of Milbank S.D. posted May 14th, 1908
Thirsk ; Miss Clara , and Phipps ; Mr. Harry V., MARRIAGE NOTICE written June 30th, 1910
Thompson ; Mr.and Mrs. Arch, BIRTH, a son, Friday, Aug. 13th, 1909
Thue ; Mr. and Mrs. A.W.'s infant son , DIED/OBITUARYApril 14th, 1910, written June 16th, 1910
Todd ; Mr. David , DIED , written Aug. 10th, 1911
Tone ; Ransom, MARRIED Douglas, Blossom, posted May 28th, 1908
Tone ; Mr. and Mrs. Ransom, BIRTH, a son, Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, 1909
Twite ; Mrs. H., formerly Mrs. Albert Larson, and Wolf ; Mr., MARRIED in Minnesota , written May 25th, 1911
Uglem ; Mr. and Mrs., M., BIRTH, a son, Sunday , June 6th, 1909
Valentine ; Ira Merrell, OBITUARY , written April 28th, 1910
Valentine ; Mr. Ira, OBITUARY, died April 18th, 1910, written April 21, 1910
Vikse ; Mr. and Mrs. T.T. BORN, a son , written Jan. 13th, 1910
Vikse ; Conrad , CONFIRMATION , written Sept. 29th, 1910
Wallace ; Thomas , ACCIDENTAL DEATH, written Dec. 15th, 1910
Walland ; Mr. George , DROWNED , written Aug. 10, 1911
Ward ; C.A., of Ohaton, MARRIED , Devlin , Miss, of Ohaton, at Innisfail , entered Feb. 11th, 1909
Webster ; Mr. and Mrs. W., BIRTH, a daughter, Friday, Aug. 13th, 1909
Webster ; V.J., MARRIED Nicoll, Miss Annie, of Sintaluta Sask.,both formerly from Norwood Ontario, on Thursday Sept. 29th, 1908
Welsh ; W.D., OBITUARY, entered Oct. 21st,and Oct. 28th, 1909
Welsh ; Jennie L., MARRIED Bergquist , Oden E., Wednesday Nov. 4th, 1908 . (Write-up Nov. 12th)
Welsh ; W.D., CARD OF THANKS, fron Mrs. W.D.Welsh and family , entered Nov. 18th, 1909
Wendt ; Mrs. Kathryn , OBITUARY, died June 14th, 1911, written June 22nd, 1911
Westendorf ; Miss Gesine , MARRIED Gair , Wm., Wednesday , Nov. 25th, 1908
Wetterberg ; Mr. and Mrs. S.T., BIRTH, a daughter, Monday, Dec. 27th, 1909
Wetterberg ; Freddie , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Wetterberg ; Wilfred , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Wetterberg ; Francis , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
Wetterberg ; Iva , HONOR ROLL, for March , 1911
White ; Mr.and Mrs. MARRIED , (small write-up) May 14th, 1908
Williams ; Mr. and Mrs. D.A., BIRTH , a daughter, Wednesday , Oct. 7th, 1908
Wilson ; Miss Christena , MARRIED, Wm. Rhyason, Wednesday , June 30th, 1909
Wilson ; Mr. and Mrs. O.T., SILVER WEDDING, Wednesday , Feb. 17th, 1909. (write-up Feb. 18, 1909)
Witthuhn , Miss Minnie,of Quarrel,  MARRIED Nelson , A.L., entered June 4th, 1908
Wobble ; Carl's son DIED Oct. 25th, 1911
Wolf ; Mr. and Twite ; Mrs. H. , MARRIED in Minnesota , written May 25th, 1911
Woods ; Mr. and Mrs. Geo., BIRTH , a daughter, Saturday , Oct. 21st, 1908