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Unregistered Grave site # 11
The Rekenzee Grave

From the "Harvest of Memories " History Book
in part 'Lundemo Post Office and Store '
Written by Arlet Reed
P.437 and 438.

    Another part of history in the district in the early nineteen hundreds was the moving of a Belgian family named Rekenzee to the Lundemo area from India. His wife died soon afterwards and is believed to be buried at Duhamel. Mr. Rekenzee was fluent in six languages . He had travelled all over Europe and Asia buying stock for an import company . His only child , a son, died when 18 years old after they came to Lundemo and is buried on one of the islands in Miquelon Lake . The last that was heard of Mr. Rekenzee was that he was working west of Edmonton , for the C.N.Railroad as an interpreter.
*Editors note-
    The island the author refers to would possibly be the island locally known as 'Goat Island", that at one time was part of 'First Miquelon' , prior to the drainage of the lake system for drinking water for the town of Camrose about 1929.