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Picture of Brian Gold

Brian Gold

February 2001

67 Winchester Drive, Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada T7X 1L9

Tel. +780 963-3527 -- e-mail <>

Business Development Strategist

Strategy Consulting / Project Management / Wireless & Internet
Results oriented and entrepreneurial business professional with ten years experience in selling and managing market & segmentation research, customer & channel analysis, competitor studies, and partner identification. Most of last decade with Monitor Company, a top tier global strategy consultancy. Focus on wireless services and recently mentor to Internet start-ups.
- Team Leader - International Experience
- Client & Partner Development - New Business Models
- Marketing (E-Commerce) - Fund-Raising


ESDAQ -- Seoul, Korea


Executive Director

Co-founder of consultancy / venture catalyst helping local B2C Internet companies. Examples of project-work include:

  • Business development consultant regarding women focused content to most popular horizontal portal in Korea (45 million page views per day, 4 million registered users, 20th most visited site in the world). Aided portal’s head of business development in negotiations with major U.S. content providers.
  • Strategy and funding advisory to start-up entertainment portal and talent agency.
    • Result: raised initial funding from Korea Telecom and leading local celebrities.
  • Chairman & speaker at Asia Business Forum Internet Marketing Conferences, February and August, 2000. Spoke on niche and one-to-one marketing.
Monitor Company -- Seoul, Korea and Hong Kong


Senior Consultant

A global top ten strategy consulting firm founded by famed (“five forces”) Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter. Led client relations and research in management consulting projects for Western and Asian multinationals and public sector organizations. Industries worked in included high-tech (wireless), finance, FMCG, and the public sector. Examples of project-work include:

  • New entrant Korean wireless telephone (PCS) player adopted value-added services differentiation strategy. Strategy built from customer survey, needs-based segmentation, competitor analysis, and study of global industry best practices.
    • Result: enhanced usage, loyalty, and profitability as average revenue per user (ARPU) and minutes of use (MOU) became 2nd highest (1st is oldest incumbent) amongst 5 players.
  • After study of potential new business models for m-commerce, leading Asian teleco adopted strategy for achieving IMT-2000 core business goals.
    • Result: successful initial rollout of 2.5G services.
  • Conglomerate required aid in preparing application for PCS licence from government. Client had no telecom experience and was late compared to competitors in preparing application. Application included market estimation, financial analysis, marketing plan, and R&D plan.
    • Result: client won licence.
  • Co-editor of 300+ page 'best-practice' channel management manual that global leader beverage company adopted for world-wide use. Based on Asian market experience, manual included top-line strategies, metrics, and methodologies for implementation and tracking.
    • Result: implemented first in Asia (particularly Japan, Malaysia, south Asia, Vietnam), resulting in 1998 sales volumes increases of 50-150% in various markets (even in midst of Asian economic crisis.)
  • Co-author of book on how Korea can become a ‘knowledge-driven economy’, where differentiation is the key to competitive advantage. Topics included organizational knowledge management and measures for strengthening the venture capital sector. Sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy, and a top local business daily.
    • Result: book published in Korea, and key lessons presented publicly to His Excellency Kim, Dae-Jung, President of the Republic of Korea.
  • Real estate overview for Investment Memorandum of 3Q99 Korea Asset Management Company (KAMCO) international loan sale.
    • Result: Most profitable auction to that date of portfolio of non-performing loans (NPL) face value $900 million.
  • Developer of high-tech fibre required investment environment analysis of potential sites for first Asia-based manufacturing plant. Analysis included forecasting demand, potential partner identification, and partnership structuring.
    • Result: client followed recommendations for site and regional market entry resulting in early ongoing profitable operation of plant.
  • Redesign of graduate international studies program of Korea’s leading university. Steps included survey of potential employers and funding sources, articulation of client-focused program objectives, and identification of capability gaps.
    • Result: significant increase in fund-raising and implementation of operational changes supporting increased client focus.
EAB Consultancy -- Hong Kong and Seoul, Korea



Regional management consultancy specializing in electronic / telecom consumer products, FMCG, and operation of local Economist Group’s Peer Group Forum. Led research in management consulting projects for various Western multinationals. Examples of project-work include:

  • Led research and client relations with global electronics company requiring in-depth survey of new local market opportunities.
    • Result: Client recognized potential $40 mill. in untapped niche markets.
  • Set strategic direction of company into N.E. Asia, including political risk advisory products involving greater China and North and South Korea.
    • Result: establishment of 3 new offices in North Korea, China.
  • Market and potential partner analysis for global food company.
    • Result: acquisition of local brand edible oil manufacturer, giving client top market position in category.
University of British Columbia -- Vancouver, Canada


Lecturer / Researcher

In History Department taught courses in global 20th century economic / technological history. Received very favourable peer reviews. Research aide to Commerce Department faculty.


Harvard University -- Cambridge, U.S.A.


Master of Arts in Asian Studies (Thesis on Asian auto sector.)
University of British Columbia -- Vancouver, Canada


Bachelor of Arts in History and Economics (Honours)