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The Bread Bakers Forum

The Bread Bakers Forum is dedicated to the age-old art and science of bread baking.  All who are interested in bread baking are welcome here - hand bakers, bread machine bakers, sourdough bakers, whole grain bakers, etc. This is a place to learn about bread making, share experiences and have fun. We are a warm friendly group of bakers who welcome you.  We hope that you will make yourself at home, look around, follow those links that pique your interest, and drop by to say "hi" whenever you can. 

Welcome, and thank you for visiting The Bread Bakers Forum! 

Some changes are taking place here that I want to tell you about.  First, the bad news.  - The company that provided and hosted the message board software that was used here, Casual Forums, has gone out of business leaving us in need of a new message board.  I have been in contact with Mark, the owner of Casual Forums, and he does not intend to re-offer Casual Forums message boards as a free service.

Now the good news - very kindly, the owners of have come to our aid and generously offered to allow us to share their message board. 

Beginning December 11, 2000 when you click on "Forum (Q&A)" on the menu on the left side of your screen,  you will be taken to the Bakery message board at   It will open in a new browser window and you will be able to visit not only the Bakery forum but the other pages from there as well. 

You will be able to read messages posted to any of the forums there.  If you would like to post messages you will need to register and receive a log-in ID. 

So come on over to the Countrylife's Bakery.  We'll continue having a good time talkin' 'bout bread over there.  Please join in! 

All of the recipes that were posted to The Bread Bakers Forum have been saved. They will be made available again as soon as possible.