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The Hannibal Lector Movies

All right, here is a review of the chronicles of Hannibal Lector. This character, a pop culture icon, came from the mind of Thomas Harris, and two different actors have played him. Here's my take on the four movies which feature Hannibal Lector.

Will Graham: William Peterson
Molly Graham: Kim Greist
Crawford: Dennis Farina
Dollarhyde: Tom Noonan
Reba: Joan Allen
Freddy Lounds: Stephen Lang
Hannibal Lector: Brian Cox
Screenplay by: Michael Mann. Directed by: Michael Mann. Released: 1986. My Rating: ****

Will Graham, a retired criminal profiler, is recalled by the FBI to trail the "Tooth Fairy" killer. He has killed two families in their homes, and Graham is the only one who can stop him. Graham caught the legendary Hannibal Lector, a sociopath who ate pieces of his victims. The experince left Graham so scarred that he left the service.
After hitting a brick wall, he goes to Lector for help, and has to deal with the pain of the horror all over again. But, with his cryptic help, Graham corners the "Tooth Fairy" and stops the madman.

My Thoughts
This film, based on the novel Red Dragon, was largely overlooked in its time. It looks like a basic thriller, but it reeks of the twisted psychology that is rampant in Harris's novels. The book is the best of the trilogy, and Mann only slightly mishandled the story.
Peterson, now experienceing a resurgence of career thanks to CSI, is a very good channelling of Graham, a tortured soul who is inadverdently sucked back into the twisted world of criminal profiling. All the characters are incredibly real in this one, although Brian Cox's performance of Hannibal Lector is only slightly less effective than the next one. I enjoyed it, and strongly recommend seeing this one before seeing the other movies.

Red Dragon
Will Graham: Edward Norton
Molly Graham: Mary Louise Parker
Crawford: Harvey Keitel
Dolarhyde: Ralph Fiennes
Reba: Emily Watson
Freddy Lounds: Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Dr. Chilton: Anthony Heald
Barney: Frankie Faison
Hannibal Lector: Anthony Hopkins
Screenplay by: Ted Tally. Directed by: Brett Ratner. Released: 2002. My Rating: *****

The plot is the same as Manhunter, only with a few differences. This version is a whole lot closer to the novel, and is much more intense.

My Thoughts
The actors in this movie are the best of the best in Hollywood right now. And Ratner, wiht this movie lifted himself above the crap he had been doing. The script follows the novel to a tee, even though Manhunter was pretty close. It is a much more intense viewing experience to see Hopkins take the role of the newly captured and pissed off Lector. Although I prefer Peterson's Graham to Norton's, the rest of the cast and movie are yards better. And seeing Hopkins do the role he defined is an exceptional thrill.

The Silence of the Lambs
Clarice Starling: Jodie Foster
Crawford: Scott Glenn
Jame Gumb: Ted Levine
Dr. Chilton: Anthony Heald
Paul Krendler: Ron Vawter
Barney: Frankie Faison
Hannibal Lector: Anthony Hopkins
Screenplay by: Ted Tally. Directed by: Jonathon Demme. Released: 1990. My Rating: *****

This time around, a killer nicknamed "Wild Bill" because he skins his victims, is loose. The FBI believes that Lector is the only person who can profile him. THey send a rookie, Clarice Starling to talk to Lector, and surprsingly enough, she gets pertinante information out of him. They track the killer as he takes another, very high profile victim, and Lector promises more info, for a price.
That leads to Lector's escape, but Starling finds the killer. She is almost killed, but int he end, saves the day. Her life is never the same again.

My Thoughts
Wow. This movie, is the best of the bunch. The novel is not as good as Red Dragon, but this movie is superb. Foster, Hopkins, Demme, Tally and the movie itself all won oscars in 1991. All were so well deserved. The tension is so palatable, ans the action is so convincing.... It blows my mind every time I see it.

Clarice Starling: Julianne Moore
Paul Krendler: Ray Liotta
Pazzi: Giancarlo Giannini
Barney: Frankie Faison
Verger: Gary Oldman
Hannibal Lector: Anthony Hopkins
Screenplay by: David Mamet & Steven Zaillian. Directed by: Ridley Scott. Released: 2001. My Rating: ****

In what has to be the most anticipated sequel of all time, Hannibal Lector is loose. Ten year after he escaped, he is found again, this time by an Italian cop. A reward, set up by one of Lector's surviving victims, lures the cop to give up his prey. That leads to the involvment of Clarice. Instead of asking Lector for aid, he is stalking her.
It all leads to a desperate confrontation between Lector, Starling, and the victim. Only Lector and Starling survive, and with Starling not in any shape to do anything. Lector has a surprise for Starling and her boss, Kredler, who has it in for her. In the end, Lector dissapears and Starling is left to deal with her pain on her own.

My Thoughts
It was the most anticipated sequel ever. Everyone wanted to know what happened to Lector. This one didn't dissapoint me, but it dissapointed many. I thought it was a wonderfully crafted and acted film, and the story was pretty good. Granted, the novel seemed to be pounded out due to public demand, and I was dissapointed with the book. Moore did a pretty good job of an older, jaded Starling, and Hopkins seemed to relish the role of a free Lector. The character eveolved over the course of the entire series, and Hopkins' rendition of all three are layered and perfect. If you want to be dazzled, and scared, see these four movies. They are all examples of great filmmaking.

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