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Queen Amidala Of The Naboo

BREAKING NEWS: The citizens of Naboo are honored to announce the engagement of Queen Amidala to Darth Mike

Amidala and Padme's Movie Reviews (text only)~~Siskel & Ebert style reviews of old and new movies, updated regularly (01/18/00)

The Naboo Writer's Gallery~~some of my stories, others submitted from visitors--feel free to submit, even if you hail from somewhere other than Naboo. (01/30/00)

The W Files~~the one, the only, the lowest budget X Files parody ever made. Must be seen to be believed.

Memorial for Richard Kinney A finer teacher I shall never have.

Meet the Queen's Adopted Critters! (01/03/00)

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Ok, so maybe it seems egocentric. But what the hell

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Queen Amidala is the proud keeper of Obi-Wan Kenobi's toes, Princess Leia's thermal detonator, the scar on Luke's lip in Return of the Jedi, and a battle outfit from The Phantom Menace. Do you want to be a keeper? Visit The Star Wars Chicks Keeper's Page.

Queen Amidala is proud to be a member of Joey's Girls, an internet club that promotes the career of singer Joey McIntyre. We work hard at promoting him, why not check us out? The Queen was recently appointed to the Joey's Girls Weekend Committee!! Be happy for her!

Queen Amidala's Links

CyberScout's Homepage
CyberScout, one of my cats, claws herself a slice of cyberspace. Also check out her work as CosmicScout, for your feline and/or human horoscopes!

Emily's Page
One of my favorite people, she has lots of cool things on her pages. And lots of cool things happening in her life right now! Emily found her prince charming (check out his page below). She has such a fun page, too! See how Cranky the Queen can be in her Cranky pages!

Padme Naberrie's Page
My partner in crime and alter ego. There isn't much there yet, but she'll be adding to it soon

David's Page
The man who makes one of my dearest friends happier than anyone else on earth! David is a really wonderful guy, and I'm so happy to be sharing in his and Emily's wedding day!

What can I say? Ewan McGregor is a fox. *S* I predict that you may need to check out Emily's story page soon for the "Ewan Wang Party" story!

Keep Keepin' On~~The internet New Kids On The Block Fan Club
Ok, so I'm a die-hard fan. There are worse things to be.

Legal stuff: Star Wars is trademarked by Lucasfilm Ltd and use of any and all Star Wars related references and images in these pages is unauthorized but is used with the utmost respect for Mr. Lucas and his creations. Adopted critters used with permission. Some images are designed by the site author(s) and may not be supported by all browsers. Opinions expressed in Amidala and Padme's movie reviews are soley those of the site author(s). All stories presented in the Naboo Writers Gallery is copyrighted to the original authors and may not be copied, quoted or reposted without express permission of the author. These pages are hosted by

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