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*All About This Site*

This site was first made in October 1998 and was then called mad about hanson, i made this site just for fun and woeked on it when i was bored and had nothing better to do, then in about Febuary 1999 i changed it to a Zac Hanson Site, mainly because i was to lazy to keep changine stuff like ike, tay and zac info and pics so i thought it would be a lot easier to do a page on one Hanson so my obvious choice on who i would do my page on was Zac, simply because Zac is my favourite Hanson. From there i worked on Graphics for a Zac Page and made a Page Called Mad About Zac, i updated reguarly for a while but then i became busy with other things and pretty much forgot about the site, because i thought it was getting boring. So now i have made a totally new Mad About Zac with everything new i have worked on this site for weeks so i could put it all up at once so it wasn't like one of those sites where you click on somefin and it says coming soon and you go back a month later and the stuff is still not there, thats annoying!! So yeah i have worked on this site really hard to get it back up and running well!!

So thanks for coming and seeing my site :)