Chapter Seven

How to be filled with the Holy Spirit
    A. Who is the Holy Spirit?

Acts 5:3-4 Peter refers to the Holy Spirit as _______________.

    B. What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Scripture distinguishes between being born of the spirit and being filled with the spirit. Lets examine some of the following examples.

  1. In John 3:5 Jesus said that unless a person is born of water and _________, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
  2. In Acts 2:4 after the believers were ____________, they began to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
  3. In John 14:17 Jesus said the Holy Spirit would dwell with us and shall be _________ us.(this is what happens when you become born again)
  4. In Acts 1:8 Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would come __________ us. (this happens when you are filled with the Holy Spirit)
C. The difference between born of the Holy Spirit and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Lets examine the difference between being born of the Spirit and filled with the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:13

  1. Who is the Baptizer in this verse?____________
  2. Who is being Baptized? ____________
  3. What are we being baptized into?____________

Luke 3:16

  1. Who is the Baptizer in the last part of the verse?____________
  2. Who would he Baptize?_____________
  3. What are we being Baptized with?__________
    D. Comparing the two experiences.

Look at each of the passages below and place in the blank whether it refers to being "born of the Spirit" or "filled with the Spirit".

  1. Matthew 1:18-20 ____________________________
  2. Matthew 3:16 ____________________________
  3. John 20:21-23 ____________________________
  4. Acts 1:2-5 ____________________________
  5. Acts 8:5,12 ____________________________
  6. Acts 8:14-17 ____________________________
  7. Acts 19:1-5 ____________________________
  8. Acts 19:6 ____________________________

E. Why should I be filled with the Holy Spirit?

As a believer you have already been born of the Spirit and excepted into the body of Christ. So, why would you want to experience being filled with the Holy Spirit? Lets see what the Bible says.

  • 1. God has commanded us to be filled.

    Ephesians 5:18

    What are God's two words concerning the Holy Spirit? _______________________________

  • 1. We need the power.

    Acts 1:8

    What is the purpose of being filled with the Holy Spirit? _______________________________

    F. How can a person be filled with the Holy Spirit?

    1. First be sure you are born again?

    Acts 2:38

    2. What can happen after you repent and are baptized into the body of Christ? ____________________

    3. Second, simply ask and receive the Holy Spirit.

    Luke 11:9-13

    1. What do verses 9 and 10 say will happen if you ask? _________________________________
    2. What does verse 13 say we can ask the Father for? _________________________________
    3. According to verses 11 and 12, if we ask the Father for one thing, will He give us something different? _____________________________