Chapter Four

How to talk to God

  • How do I talk to God?

    The way we can talk to God is through prayer. Our prayers should be motivated from the heart. Lets look at how we are to talk to God.
    1. Mark 1:35

    What can you learn from Jesus' example of prayer?_________

    2. Describe what our attitude involving prayer, should be like for each scripture.

  • a. Psalms 5:1-3 ___________________________________
  • b. Psalms 55:17 ___________________________________
  • c. Psalms 62:8 ___________________________________
  • d. Psalms 63:1 ___________________________________

    3. God hears our prayers regardless of what the outcome happens to be. He gives us some promises that we can hold onto as Christians. Lets look at some. Write the promise in the blank.

  • a. Jeremiah 33:3 _________________________________
  • b. Matthew 7:7-11 _________________________________
  • c. Hebrews 4:16 _________________________________
  • d. Ephesians 3:20 _________________________________

    4. Who should we be praying for?

  • a. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 _________________________________
  • b. Ephesians 6:18 _________________________________
  • c. Matthew 9:36-38_________________________________
  • d. Luke 6:28 _________________________________

    5. God wishes for us to speak to Him everyday. On a separate sheet of paper write a list of people and things you wish to pray for. Every time you pray refer to this list and pray for each request specifically.

    Possible pray request: (you may think of others to add)

    Unsaved loved ones

    Family, friends

    Government officials

    Pastor and church Leaders

    Financial Matters
