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Venusaur's Pokemon Page 5/32/00- I am now part of the staff at Pokemulation!!!!! Staff Needed!!! 3/2/00- This Page has a new owner!!!1/25/00-I have a new gold and silver page!!! 2/23/00- I have completed a few adoptions!!! check out the section coming soon!!!

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August 22nd-Greg
Hi. I am crying right now. I am in this total depression. I just want people to like pokemon again. I want to play just one more battle with my friends. I want to be able to give them pokemon cards for their birthday! I just i want it to be like it was.... but it will never again be that way. So, I have decided that I am gonna....well i dunno. I want to get people to come to my site even though i could make it ten times better. I don't wanna make it better. It is the only memory i have of happiness with my friends. I just want my friend alex to see me again. I want to be happy again. I want.....I want.....I want to live it all forever.........

July 23rd-Greg
The new movie has been released although I haven't seen it. It is supposed to be good though. I am working on a new site that is not totally ready but is being worked on steadily. Here is a link to it.

July 17th-Greg
alot of stuff to catch up on huh. well, right now there is a new pokemon browser that you cna dowload at and i have it. It is really cool and pretty fast.

July 1st-Greg
Sorry I haven't updated in the longest time but i am now an updater on Mew's Anime and I have been working on that instead of this site but just because I won't post so many updates here, you can go to mew's anime and see them there.

Also I think the polls might have been reset because I am putting things in better places so that this page looks better.

May 28-Greg
I have recently added three digimon sections. I don't like digimon to clear that up but it is what people wanna see so why not? I have got an animated banner that is almost finished.

May 23-Greg
My angelfire counter was reset today which is weird although I have been counting and since the start of this page I have about 440 hits.

May 19-Greg
I am sorry that I am not updating very much. I am now frequently participating in Psypoke's chatroom and you can find me by the name Gundam_01. I also have a java chat there that you can get to by typing into the chat area #Greg then clicking on it.

May 5-Greg
sorry for the lack of updates again. I have completed all the adoptions a, b, and c, except for cubone

April 12-Greg
You can now reach this site by typing:

I haven't been working on the adoptions very much because of school but I'll try to do a lot over the weekend.

April 9-Greg
sorry for another lack of updates it is just that i don't like being a web master so much anymore and no one comes to this site. but, i have finished all the adoptions of A and B and I did a little of C. I guess i'll post them.

Also go see the Pokemon of the week

Go see older articles not from this month

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